Faith Hill, Daughters, Surprise Tim McGraw with Family Album Release Party: "A Night We Will Never Forget"

Faith Hill, Daughters, Surprise Tim McGraw with Family Album Release Party: "A Night We Will Never Forget"

Faith Hill, Daughters, Surprise Tim McGraw with Family Album Release Party: "A Night We Wi

Faith Hill, Daughters, Surprise Tim McGraw with Family Album Release Party: "A Night We Will Never Forget"

Sometimes, the tiny moments spent at home with the people you love can be grander than a 40,000-seat stadium packed for a concert.

Such appears to be the case at the McGraw-Hill household earlier this week, where Faith Hill and the couple's three daughters—Gracie, Maggie, and Audrey—threw an album release party at their home in celebration of McGraw's latest album, Here on Earth, out August 21.

"The girls and I surprised Tim with our first ever family album release party. Yeah, I know.....Honestly, it is the truth. We have never listened to one of our new albums with just the girls. Ever," Hill wrote in a caption for a sweet video of the couple dancing in a sea of string lights to one of McGraw's upcoming cuts.

Beyond McGraw and Hill sharing a romantic slow dance, we bet the entire family did a whole lot of moving and swaying as they listened to the "double vinyl records blaring from the speakers." Calling it "a night we will never forget," Hill left fans with these inspiring words capturing the family's beautiful night together:

We are so proud of this man!!!!!! He has created a masterpiece.

Watch the video below.

We love the big dip, right? Clearly these two lovebirds are still head over heels for each other. Buy the album on Amazon here. And get excited for a little dance party of your own, dear readers.

Who's ready for Friday to get here already so we can all listen to McGraw's new album? We think we'll be throwing a little party in our living rooms to celebrate