Fabio Wibmer's Nineyard Apparel Signs American Slopestyle Rider

Nineyard is a clothing brand founded by Fabio Wibmer that makes streetwear apparel marketed to freeriders.

On April 29, 2024, American freerider Christian Arehart announced that he was signing with the brand.

Arehart will join some of the biggest names in freeride who ride for Nineyard like Emil Johansson and Fabio Wibmer.

Related: Fabio Wibmer Welcomes "Best Slopestyle Rider Ever" To His Clothing Brand

Christian Arehart is a 21-year-old American freerider from Saratoga, New York. He is perhaps best known for winning Best Trick at Tom Van Steenbergen’s Big White Invitational slopestyle competition with a superman front flip.

Related: Christian Arehart Wins Best Trick Competition By Landing A World's First

Arehart should fit right in on the Nineyard. Nineyard is the second apparel company founded by Fabio Wibmer, which focuses on making clothes that sit at the intersection of freeride and streetwear.

As it becomes more and more hip to ride in street clothes, Wibmer's strategy may just pay dividends.

Wibmer also founded Sick Series in 2017, an apparel brand focused more on technical riding gear.

Wibmer’s success in business landed him on the Forbes 30 under 30 list. Read about his inclusion below.

Related: Fabio Wibmer Named To Forbes' '30 Under 30' List

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