Experts Break Down Viral TikTok Hair Treatments and Trends

Some of these are gamechangers.

<p>Delmaine Donson/Getty Images</p>

Delmaine Donson/Getty Images

TikTok is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to beauty trends. On one hand it’s a veritable wonderland of cool tricks, tips, and inspiration. Without it, we wouldn’t have skin cycling, glazed donut nails, or Barbiecore. On the other hand, not all information is vetted nor sound, and you can get yourself into a serious beauty pickle. Case in point: Unsafe sunscreen contouring and teeth filing. Big yikes!) 

In the name of great hair days, we asked experts to share the TikTok hair treatments that deserve a thumbs up, and which we should most definitely skip.

Hair Cycling

Similar to skin cycling, hair cycling involves rotating different hair products you’re using in order to address different needs. It's a four to five day regimen that incorporates “rest days” throughout the week so your hair can repair after using specific products.

“I’m definitely a fan of hair cycling,” says Helen Reavey, a board-certified trichologist and founder of Act+Acre. “Hair cycling with a detox shampoo, regular scalp treatments, and a deeply hydrating hair mask is great for anyone who wants to improve their scalp health but doesn’t know where to start.”

She adds that including a specific set of products into your routine that work to restore balance to the scalp can also improve overall hair health.

Ricardo Dinis, Aveda’s global artistic director, agrees. He says that when done right, hair cycling provides a hyper individualized approach to addressing your specific hair and scalp concerns. The key, though, is to keep things simple and make sure the products and routine fits with your lifestyle.

Scalp Pre-Treatments

Your existing routine likely consists of shampoo and conditioner, and maybe you throw in a deep conditioner or styling products every once in a while. According to TikTok, if you’re not also indulging in a scalp-refreshing pre-treatment then you’re missing the boat on healthy hair. And Gregory Patterson, celebrity hairstylist and expert for Sally Beauty, agrees 100%.

“Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp; our hair literally grows out from here,” he says. “Keeping your scalp free of product buildup, excessive oils, and exfoliated ensures the roots and follicles will be happy and ready to nourish your hair.”

Hair Oiling

Also referred to as “hair slugging,” hair oiling is actually a long-standing Ayurvedic practice that’s received a recent TikTok rebrand. The trend has South Asian roots, and is ideal for people with medium to coarse hair types.

“I’m on board with hair oiling, but with a few caveats,” says Dinis. “First, it must be done with the right products. Second, I think it is important to have realistic expectations. Some of the transformations on TikTok are incredible, but everyone’s hair and scalp are different and results are really going to vary.”

Dinis says that hair oiling will condition and moisturize your hair and scalp, which can help hair look full, shiny, and strong. However, it’s not going to reverse hair loss like some TikTokers have claimed.

As for which oils to apply, Dinis says to consider your hair type, sebum production levels, and your scalp’s microbiome. Also, he strongly advises against using kitchen oils and only reaching for products carefully formulated for hair and scalp.

Washing Hair Upside Down

If you’ve been standing right side up in the shower all these years—like most of us—this viral TikTok hair trend might just throw you for a loop. This trend asks you to flip your hair over when shampooing and tending to your scalp. Why? For more volume!

“If you’re standing in the shower, the showerhead is [theoretically] applying so much pressure that it flattens the crown area and texture of the hair, so when you wash your hair upside down, you’re giving the root a little lift and allowing the product to spread much easier, resulting in a better cleanse,” explains Reavey.

But does it work? Reavey says yes! And beyond adding volume, this handy little trick can potentially improve scalp health, too. A common scalp concern is oily roots, but nine times out of 10 you’re actually dealing with product build-up and poor washing.

“By washing your hair upside down, you’re putting less pressure on the root of the hair, allowing your shampoo and cleanse to penetrate deeper, leading to a better cleanse,” Reavey explains.

Rosemary Oil & Caffeine for Hair Growth

The hashtag #RosemaryOil has over 1.5 billion views on TikTok, and a large percentage of the videos hype up the concept of using a duo of rosemary oil and caffeine for hair growth. Both Patterson and Dinis give this TikTok hair treatment trend a cautious thumbs up.

“This is a TikTok trend I’m hopeful about,” says Dinis. “There is some promising new research suggesting that rosemary oil and caffeine could be an alternative for people who are unable to use conventional hair loss treatments or are worried about their side effects. However, this research is not yet completely proven.”

He adds that the effectiveness of rosemary oil and caffeine in treating hair loss depends on the underlying cause of the hair loss. For example, some people lose their hair from infections, stress, hormonal shifts, aging, or immune system reactions.

If the cause of hair loss is an uptick in dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can affect the hair follicle receptor. Dinis says that rosemary and caffeine may potentially repress the effects of this. Again, research is still pending and your mileage may vary.

Dinis adds, “It's important to remember that the results may vary depending on the cause of hair loss. And it's also important to note that it may take three to six months of consistent use to see the effects of rosemary oil and caffeine on hair growth.”

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