Expert Explains Why Cats Love When Humans Make One Particular Sound

Here's what's up with 'PssPssPss'

As cat owners, we often use the familiar sound "psspsspss" to call our feline friends. It's unclear who first came up with this technique, but it's universal among cat owners. We've yet to meet a cat who doesn't respond to it. It seems to be a timeless feline siren song. You want your cat to come when called, try the psspsspss!

Well, now we may have some answers as to why cats love the "psspsspss" sound so much, and it may have to do with the high frequency of the sound itself.

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Speaking to Inverse, Chyrle Bonk, a veterinarian, says, "“The pspspspsps sound has a lot of reasons why it attracts cats. It piques their curiosity, may sound familiar as it’s similar to a purring sound, and it’s at a frequency that makes it very easy for them to hear.” Molly Devoss adds, “Cats can hear sound frequencies three times higher than we can — presumably so they can find prey more easily. " That high-frequency noises mimic the chatter of rats, so these sounds naturally draw the attention of felines.

It's interesting- and alarming!- to think that when we make this sound that cats think that we sound like rats which is why they come running. We'd personally like to think it sounds vaguely like purring which is why it attracts them.

Do your own cats respond to the psspsspss noise? Let us know in the comments!

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