Expert Advice: 'Can Ear Seeding Help With Migraines?'

Migraines are so debilitating that people who suffer from them often find ourselves online at odd hours of the night, trying to find ways to ease the constant throbbing and pain. Unfortunately, there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, especially when there are so many different causes and triggers. However, there is one new solution buzzing around on the internet that may help: Ear seeding. Learn about the unique treatment below, with opinions from our expert, Dr. Heather Moday.

Meet our expert.

Heather Moday, MD, is director of the Moday Center in Philadelphia. She is board-certified in allergy and immunology, as well as integrative and holistic medicine. You can follow her on Instagram (@theimmunitymd), where she shares information on health topics. And to ask her a question here, send an email to

The Efficacy of Ear Seeding

Q: My doctor said a DIY treatment called ear seeding can help with my migraines, but it sounds out-there to me. Can it really help?

A: Yes! Ear seeding uses a DIY form of acupuncture, without needles, in which small “seeds” affixed to adhesive are placed on acupres-sure points on the ear. The practice comes from traditional Chinese medicine, where health is based on the body’s energy flow, which can be stimulated through these pressure points. Research found that targeting the points in the ear can reduce migraine pain in as little as five minutes. Other studies show ear seeding eases other types of pain and improves sleep.

Once applied, press gently on the seeds if you feel a migraine coming. They will fall off on their own after about five days. When that happens, take a day off, then apply a new set. One to try: EarSeeds (; their kits have easy instructions for at-home use.

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This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.

A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, First For Women.