The Reason This Man Rejected A $135,000 Job Offer Has Been Sparking A Lot Of Eye-Opening Conversations About Mental Health In The Workplace

Robynn Storey is the CEO of Storeyline Resumes, a company that customizes resumes to help gain attention from recruiters and high-level HR professionals. And Robynn recently gained a lot of attention on LinkedIn after she shared this story about a client turning down a job offer:

Her LinkedIn post has garnered over 44,000 likes and over 1,000 comments — nearly every person understood the frustration from the candidate.

And a lot of people revealed that they turned down jobs when they've found themselves in similar situations.

Something similar happened to me. I was 100 emoji upfront with the recruiter and yet got a lowball offer. Found myself in a situation where I had multiple offers so went in a different direction

Women also pointed out how different their experiences are when it comes to salary negotiation.

One person said men are expected to counter but women are not

Nearly every person said they would not entertain any company that tried to lowball their salary requirement.

Ultimately, people are sick of both recruiters and companies not being upfront about how much a potential job will pay.

BuzzFeed spoke to Robynn to learn more about this particular situation. She said when it came down to the candidate's decision, he felt confident in his choice. "He has chosen to remain anonymous but said he was picking the one that did not play games, met his salary requirements, and treated him like a professional."


Robynn further explained that this man said he didn't think about his mental health at work, but he became quickly aware that this company would be detrimental to it. "The company's interview processes took its tool. He found himself anxious, angry, and frustrated by the games."

(As Robynn stated in her original post, he went through five different interviews with the company – and they still offered him $15,000 less than the salary he said he needed up front.)

(As Robynn stated in her original post, he went through five different interviews with the company – and they still offered him $15,000 less than the salary he said he needed up front.)

Obradovic / Getty Images

Robynn hopes companies can learn something from this man's experience. "If you say a job pays XXX, then make the offer at that level. Don't try to lowball or make people negotiate. Everyone is exhausted. It's been a very hard few years, but hiring has not adapted to the market — a lot of jobs, not enough people. So the approach needs to change. Being more aware of people's goals, their time, and knowing what to pay is critical if employers wish to attract talent," she concluded.


If you're interested in learning more about Robynn's resume services, you can visit Storeyline Resumes.