EXCLUSIVE: Selling Tampa's Rena Frazier Is Pregnant With the Last Baby of the Bunch

Rena Frazier and her family
Rena Frazier and her family

Rena Frazier

Rena Frazier has an engineering degree, a law degree, a successful career as an agent at an all-Black-woman run real estate firm in Tampa Bay, an obsession-worthy reality show on Netflix, a loving husband, four daughters—and now a son on the way.

She's got a full life, to say the least, but Frazier can handle it and welcomes it all with open arms. "I knew I wanted a big family," says five-months-pregnant Frazier, 45, in an exclusive interview with Kindred by Parents.com. "We wanted five, and I honestly wasn't even sure if we could because I'm in my early 40s."

Though she's a little more tired this time around, this pregnancy is different in more ways than one. Between family and her and her husband's businesses, Frazier's got more responsibilities, but this fifth baby marks the beginning of an end. "I am pregnant with my last, and knowing that this is my last and it being a boy, there's just all kinds of emotions surrounding that," she says.

There's a lot more to juggle, but her start to parenthood in her teens was by no means a walk in the park either." It was difficult getting through college with an infant and then a toddler," she says. "The first year, I found a babysitter that I could afford. Though I had scholarships to cover most of my schooling, I worked all through college partly to pay for the babysitter." In fact, when her babysitter fell through on the first day of class, she took her daughter to school rather than risk getting dropped. Luckily, her daughter was a quiet baby for the day. Frazier later got her into an income-based Head Start program that eased some of the financial burden. Still, she relied on her village—her mom, friends, and other relatives—to get through college as a young mom. Four kids later, and the Fraziers have it down to a science.

"This isn't our first rodeo. This is our fifth child, so we've got those processes in place," she says. Realistically, however, she knows things will change a bit.

"We are at different stages in our life," she says. Right now, their oldest daughter Ariana is in the military. Their second oldest is a senior in high school and soon headed off to college. They also have the two younger ones at home—not to mention both Rena and her husband Anddrikk Frazier both have their own businesses. "It's a different dynamic this time."

It's also different because she shares this pregnancy experience with her daughter. Her oldest daughter, Ariana, the same baby she took to class as a young mom, is expecting too.

"It's a beautiful shared experience. We kind of are going through the same thing, except she's younger than I am, so she's having a little bit of a different experience," Frazier says. "But we talk all the time." Her daughter is also having a boy.

She helps her daughter through the feelings, emotions, and physical things that pregnancy brings. Being able to go through that with her daughter is a "beautiful thing," Frazier says.

The significance of the timing of it all is not lost on her.