Exclusive: This Latinx Food Line is Bringing a New Meaning to Sazón

Loisa Foods

The Spanish word sazón goes beyond the dictionary's definition of salt, herbs or spices added to food to enhance the flavor.

For Latino families, sazón is a pivotal part of their everyday lives. It's how children are raised and nurtured, it's memories of family gatherings and abuela's cooking—it's a way of life.

This is something the founders of Loisa understood as they created their line of certified organic, vegan adobo, sazón seasoning blends and single organic spices curated for Latin cooking.

Their mission was to develop a Latinx food line that didn't compromise health for better flavor while keeping traditions alive.

"Food is arguably our closest connection to heritage and is central to our identities," says Scott Hattis, Co-Founder of Loisa. "As a brand, we aim to represent and elevate the collective power within our roots, today and into the future."

Many legacy brands on the market have steered away from using natural ingredients in their seasonings, introducing artificial colors and preservatives such as Red 40, Yellow 5, anti-caking agents and other harmful ingredients all in the name of making a product more "shelf-friendly."

Loisa is here to change the game.

In an exclusive interview with People Chica, Hattis shared the inspiration behind the organic food brand and how Loisa furthers the Latin cultura by preserving quality and flavor naturally.

Latin families are very loyal to their spices and sazón, what inspired you to create your own line?

Loisa was born from a need we felt in our own homes and believed many others shared—that it was time for cleaner [and] purer options when it comes to Latin flavors and cooking. Nothing means more to us than these foods and this culture, and starting Loisa was our way of both honoring the past and helping to ensure these traditions carry forward.

Loisa Foods

As new generations are coming into adulthood, we find that they're seeking healthy options that also maintain tradition. How do Loisa spices help them do that?

This is at the core of all we do, and we're living that story ourselves. As much as it's about healthier products, it's also about the pride that comes with enjoying them. Food is arguably our closest connection to heritage and is central to our identities. As a brand, we aim to represent and elevate the collective power within our roots, today and into the future.

Every brand has its own spin on Adobo. What makes yours special?

Love, effort and above all care. Our blend is based on what we've mixed up for years at home. It uses only certified organic spices and sea salt, and the flavor is notably vibrant, with garlic and oregano at the forefront, balanced with the perfect amount of salt and pepper. Turmeric also brings in some rich color, along with the added health benefits.


What are some of your favorite recipes to make with your spices? 

Our family favorites: arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas), pernil, asopao de camarones (shrimp stew) and more. What sets these blends apart though is their versatility for dishes everyone cooks every day—eggs or a tofu scramble in the morning [or] roasted veggies at night. Both our sazón and adobo have a permanent place next to our stovetop.

Where can people find out more about Loisa and its products?

You can learn more about us by following our social platforms (@eatloisa) or visiting our website (Loisa.com) where you can also stay in the loop with our latest collaborations, recipes and community outreach.

For products, our recommendation is to start with the Flavor Trio, which includes 1 Sazón, 1 Adobo, and 1 SofritoEl Gran Combo! With this starter pack, you'll be on your way to some pure and classic Latin flavor.