Exactly How Jennifer Lopez Makes 49 Look Like 29

Photo credit: Jackson Lee / Contributor - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jackson Lee / Contributor - Getty Images

From Redbook

Most people would consider their birthday a pretty good excuse to skip the gym and enjoy all their favorite foods and sweets. But for Jennifer Lopez, turning one year older means squeezing in a workout and having her cake too.

Not that she's having cake very often — the 49-year-old singer completely cut processed foods from her diet and mainly eats organic, nutrient-dense meals, her trainer told People. And when it comes to fitness, J. Lo is just as committed, kicking off her birthday week with a sweaty gym session.

"#SundayFunday kind of... gotta get it in... now let the fun begin! #birthdayweekbegins," she captioned her workout selfie, which showcases her lean, toned body. It's easy to forget that Jennifer is almost 50 years old, and even though she looks half her age, she feels more confident in her skin than ever before, she said in an interview with Us Weekly. "I see pictures of myself in my twenties and go, 'Oh, I look better now!'" she told the magazine. "I embrace who I am. I feel sexy, I feel youthful, I feel pretty sometimes!"

Clearly, she's doing something right! Here are five ways J. Lo stays fit and youthful by making her health a priority. Plus, how you can follow her lead to look and feel your best too.

She never skips a workout.

It's so easy to let excuses keep you out of the gym, but Jennifer has learned to hold herself accountable for maintaining her strength and agility. "Very rarely will I skip my workout," she told Us Weekly. "Sometimes, I work too late the night before, and I'm like, 'Ugh, I can't do this.' But I tell myself, 'Just do it. It's only an hour.' It's just talking yourself off the ledge of being a lazy bum."

Try this: Of course, it's not always so easy to incorporate regular exercise into a busy schedule. Especially for average women who may not have a fancy gym membership and a trainer. Setting realistic goals for yourself is key; for example, don't pretend you'll make it to that 5 a.m. workout if you know you're not a morning person. Start small, stick to it, and you'll see results sooner than you think. And if you need additional motivation, find a form of self-motivation that drives you. Whether that's making plans with a friend to try a new workout class, or rewarding yourself with new gym gear or a mani/pedi if you work out a certain number of times per month.

She fuels up with protein and veggies.


A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on Mar 1, 2018 at 5:49pm PST

Jennifer is not about starving herself to stay slim; instead, she opts for meals that leave her satisfied and full of energy. Jennifer has worked with nutritionist Haylie Pomroy, whose Metabolism Revolution diet plan is designed to help the metabolism function efficiently. The diet involves eating lean proteins and non-starchy veggies along with some healthy fats and complex carbs (like brown rice and sweet potatoes). Jennifer also cut out processed and refined foods along with alcohol and caffeine. Instead, she drinks plenty of water to stay hydrated — and as you probably already know, water is crucial for healthy, youthful skin.

Try this: It's hard to say no to cheesy pizza or sugary sweets but finding something that motivates you can help — especially if it's not related to aesthetics. Jennifer, for example, says she's motivated to stay fit to keep up with her children and set a good example for them. "I try to teach them the right things to eat: a lot of greens, fruits, and grains. They're starting to learn that's a way of life," she told Us Weekly. She explains to them: "I exercise so I can maintain a good weight and run around with you."

She leaves time for rest.

Me and my baby

A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on Oct 7, 2016 at 11:24am PDT

As hard as she works at the gym, Jennifer leaves time to rest and rejuvenate. Her number one beauty tip? "Always get enough sleep. I can't stress this enough," she told InStyle. "Ideally I would love to get nine or 10 hours of sleep, but either way, I always make sure I get at least eight. I also definitely think beauty comes from within — you have to keep your mind, soul, body, and spirit in sync. I am a firm believer in meditating, and when you are happy and feel joy and love, you radiate beauty." Relaxing with her children and snacking on some fruit and veggies is another way she loves to recover post-workout, according to Hello Magazine.

Try this: Getting ample sleep and taking moments to relax throughout your day is truly an underrated anti-aging habit. Research has shown that poor sleep quality can accelerate the signs of aging, and severe stress has been linked to quicker shortening of telomeres, which are thought to indicate one's biological age. If getting your beauty rest is often an issue for you, try these tips that are scientifically proven to help you get better rest, from snacking on magnesium-rich peanuts to wearing special blue light-limiting shades so you can scroll through your phone before bed without it messing with your sleep cycle.

She takes care of her skin.

You don't need an expensive, multi-step skincare routine to keep your skin smooth and supple as you grow older. Even Jennifer sticks to the basics, and it's clear that it's working wonders.

"I always, always wash my face after a workout. That helps keep my pores clean and my skin feeling healthy," she told Hello Magazine. "Then I'll usually put on moisturizer and sunscreen, with maybe a little makeup if I'm going out or moisturizer and eye cream if it's the evening."

Try this: Hydrate your skin daily and make sunblock your BFF. Sunscreen is proven to prevent premature aging from UV damage and reduce the appearance of dark spots. Using an eye cream is also incredibly effective for hydrating and pumping the skin around your eyes, which is super thin and more prone to wrinkling than other areas of the face.

She keeps her workouts fresh.

If you're not changing up your fitness routine regularly, you're probably bored out of your mind every time you hit the gym. (Always doing the same routine also means that your body isn't being challenged.) Finding a way to look forward to exercise is key to sticking with it over time and reaping its benefits. J. Lo switches up her routine all the time, working with different trainers when she's in New York or Los Angeles. "I like the balance that they both give me. They have two totally different approaches. I like switching it up with my body," she said, according to Hollywood Life. Whether she's doing planks and pushups with a trainer or dancing to a new song, Jennifer stays active and makes sure she's always having fun.

"I am 100% convinced that working out is part of what makes me so happy," she told Hello Magazine. "Dance has always been a huge part of my life and taking the time to move my body and do something that's so good for me is key to my happiness."

Try this: Not all of us can fly cross-country to work out with different trainers, but there are still plenty of ways to keep your workout interesting. Keeping score with yourself and trying to beat your record, whether that's miles you run or daily steps you take, is one way to add a bit of challenge and boost your motivation. Taking your workout outside, rather than breaking a sweat in your living room or gym, is another great way to switch things up, and it's been shown that people who exercise in green spaces are more likely to work out again soon.

If we've learned anything from J. Lo, it's that prioritizing your health and happiness is key to living your best life for years to come.

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