What Exactly Is An Egg Bagel And What Does It Taste Like?

Plain egg bagel
Plain egg bagel - Bhofack2/Getty Images

Bagels are one of the easiest and tastiest breakfast dishes you can find. They're crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, and you can top them with just about anything -- butter, cream cheese, or even use them to build a whole bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich. But if you've ever noticed a bagel with a yellow tint, it might not have been a standard bagel at all; rather, it was likely an egg bagel.

Egg bagels look just the same as other bagels, with the exception of their yellow color. Yes, they are made with eggs, but no, they don't taste like eggs. There are a number of differences that set egg bagels apart from the others; they have a softer texture and richer flavor, for example. Plus, they're a little more nutritious because those eggs add protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. So, what exactly are egg bagels, and how are they made?

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How Did Egg Bagels Originate, And What Are They?

Egg bagel breakfast sandwich
Egg bagel breakfast sandwich - James Andrews/Getty Images

While traditional bagels originated in Poland, the egg bagel is actually a product of the United States. The standard recipe remains pretty much the same, except egg yolks are added into the mix, which changes the bagel's texture. Typical bagels have a crispy outside and a chewy interior. But the addition of the yolks makes for an all-around softer bagel. That extra crispy exterior is swapped for a softer one, and instead of having chewy dough, it's much easier to eat. You can still top egg bagels with anything from poppy seeds to everything bagel seasoning.

Whether you prefer a traditional bagel to an egg bagel all comes down to personal preference. Taste-wise, egg bagels are regarded as slightly sweeter than typical bagels, which is just another reason why some people prefer them. But you can still top your egg bagel with anything you'd top a usual bagel with. That edge of sweet flavor, plus the bagel's yellow color due to the yolks, is what sets it apart from a traditional bagel. And for those who don't love that extra-crispy crust, the egg bagel offers a softer alternative.

Where Can You Buy Egg Bagels?

Egg bagel with cream cheese
Egg bagel with cream cheese - James Andrews/Getty Images

Because this bagel alternative is less popular than traditional bagels, they aren't always easy to find. There isn't much of a regional preference for egg bagels, though New York City bakeries tend to favor their own New York style, and the egg version can be tough to find. It just comes down to checking local bagel shops' menus to see if egg bagels are an option.

Of course, you can also make your own egg bagels at home; the process is easier than you think. Egg bagels simply add eggs to an already-basic dough recipe, and once you let the dough rest, you just shape the dough as you would with a regular bagel. Bagels are traditionally boiled with baking soda and baked, and that process doesn't change with an egg bagel. The dough is shaped the same way and similarly boiled for a couple of minutes before being baked in a super-hot oven for about 10 minutes. From there, they're left to cool so you don't burn yourself digging into that soft, yellow bagel.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.