Exactly How to Use Argan Oil on Your Face

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From Cosmopolitan

If you're just starting to wrap your mind around the idea of putting oil on your face (and essentially, going against everything you've ever been told), you might be wondering which face oil you should add to your skincare routine first. I mean, there are like a million different face oil options out there and narrowing it down can be confusing as hell. My vote for the face oil everyone should try at least once? Argan oil. It's easy to use and safe for the majority of skin types. Below, everything you need to know about using argan oil on your face according to dermatologist Jennifer Herrmann, MD.

Is argan oil good for your face?

Yes! Argan oil contains two key unsaturated fatty acids: oleic and linoleic acid. "Oleic acid can help other active ingredients better penetrate the skin, while linoleic acid can help increase skin moisture through ceramide synthesis (ceramides are a key component of healthy, hydrated skin)," explains Dr. Herrmann. Plus, linoleic acids is shown to help minimize inflammation in the skin.

The skin-loving benefits don't stop there. Argan oil contains antioxidants, like polyphenols and vitamin E, says Dr. Herrmann. These ingredients can help brighten your skin tone and protect skin cells from free radical damage (the precursor to everything from acne to early signs of aging).

Can argan oil reduce wrinkles or lighten skin?

Remember how Dr. Herrmann said argan oil can help repair the skin barrier and increase ceramides? Well, a healthy barrier and increase in ceramides can make the skin appear less wrinkly which is pretty awesome if you ask me. "Like many plant oils, argan oil helps improve the look of fine lines, even if it isn’t thickening or biologically 'tightening' the skin, like say, a retinoid or vitamin C," adds Dr. Herrmann.

As for skin-lightening, Dr. Herrmann says the antioxidants in argan oil, especially the vitamin E, can help lighten dark spots gradually over time. That said, argan oil would be more effective at brightening if used in conjunction with other lightening ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, and arbutin, says Dr. Herrmann.

What is the best argan oil?

When shopping for the right argan oil, Dr. Herrmann stresses the importance of sticking to high-quality products. "The method of oil processing and refinement can alter the quality of argan," Dr. Herrmann says. "Cold-pressing is the preferred method of oil extraction as the heat- and chemical-free process preserves beneficial lipids and limits irritating byproducts."

Now that you've picked out your argan oil, there's one more thing you should know about it: How you store the bottle is v. important. Don't leave your argan oil in a hot bathroom with all the lights on, since heat and light can degrade it with time. Instead, store your bottle in a dark, cool environment and replace it every six-ish months.

Can argan oil clog your pores?

Ah, yes. The question on everyone's mind! According to Dr. Herrmann, it's actually possible that the opposite is true. "There are a few very small studies in the medical literature suggesting that in some patients, an argan oil topical cream helped decrease oil production in the skin, lessening greasiness," Dr. Herrmann says. And in theory, the linoleic acid in argan oil could be helpful at reducing redness in those with inflammatory acne or red bumps.

But (there's always a "but," isn't there?), in general, Dr. Herrmann recommends those with acne or those who are worried about clogged pores avoid excess application of ANY oils because there's always the risk of potential clogged pores. So there you have it. If you easily break out, maybe don't risk it.

Can I use argan oil on my face every day?

For those with very sensitive skin, start out using your argan oil a few times a week to make sure you don't experience any redness or irritation. As for everyone else? Argan oil is fine to use on a regular basis as a part of your a.m. and p.m. skincare routine. "The antioxidants in argan oil can help protect skin from environmental damage during the day AND help repair damage at night," Dr. Herrmann says.

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