Who Got Evicted On "Big Brother" 22: All Stars?

From Oprah Magazine

  • Big Brother 22 officially premiered on August 5, kicking of the three-month long reality show.

  • As we tune-in to the episodes three times a week, we'll keep you updated here on live feed spoilers, from who won HOH, their nominations, to who exactly gets evicted.

  • Warning: Spoilers ahead.

Big Brother 22 is officially underway, with an exciting All Stars cast that consists of a few BB legends, two winners, four members of beloved showmances, and a season 21 favorite.

But even though we've been treated to a group of iconic houseguests that we (mostly) don't want to see go home at all, eventually they'll all have to turn on each other and one-by-one all of our faves will be sent packing. One comforting fact? The Safety Suite twist ensures that at least two of the players are guaranteed safety for the first three weeks. (Here's also hoping for another twist like last summer's Camp Comeback).

To keep up with who won HOH, who they nominated, the Veto winner, and been evicted this season, check back here every week for spoilers as we indulge in all that goes down on the 24/7 live feeds.

Week 11: Christmas

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Enzo

Who won Veto?: Cody

Votes to Evict: 1-0

Week 10: Memphis vs. Christmas

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH? Nicole

Who won Veto?: Nicole

Votes to Evict: 2-0

Week 9: Tyler vs. Christmas

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Cody

Who won Veto: Cody

Votes to Evict: 3-0

Week 8, Part 1: Kevin vs. David

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Cody

Who won Veto?: Cody

Votes to Evict: 6-0

Week 8, Part 2: David vs. Nicole

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH? Memphis

Who won Veto?: Christmas

Votes to Evict: 3-2

Week 8, Part 3: Dani vs. Nicole

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH? Tyler

Who won Veto?: Tyler

Votes to Evict: 4-0

Week 7: Da'Vonne vs. Kevin

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Memphis

Who won Veto?: Tyler

Votes to Evict: 5-2

Week 6: Ian vs. Tyler

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Dani

Who won Veto?: Da’Vonne

Votes to Evict: 5-3

Week 5: Bayleigh Dayton

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Christmas

Who won Veto?: Christmas

Votes to Evict: 9-0

Citing Bayleigh and Da'Vonne being each other's "untouchables," in a controversial move Christmas nominated both women for eviction. The decision set-off a series of dramatic events in which Tyler confessed he wanted to quit the game, as he appealed to Bay and Day by saying he wanted to "stand for something bigger" by saving them. He was ready to ask Christmas to put him on the block instead, but as we can see, that didn't happen. After a couple of epic Black Girl Magic speeches, Bayleigh was unanimously evicted.

Week 4: Kaysar Ridha

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Enzo

Who won Veto?: Kevin

Votes to Evict: 10-0

Janelle's Big Brother bff was evicted just a week behind her in a predictable move. Though a fan favorite, Kaysar couldn't better his popularity in the house and remained target number one even after Kevin won Veto and Christmas was re-nominated in his place. But after weeks of trying to convince the underdogs that there was a majority alliance taking them out one-by-one, a surprise wall yeller may have gotten through to the houseguests. And Kaysar left the house with a bang, calling out his fellow All-Stars' subpar gameplay and the various undercover alliances.

Week 3: Janelle Pierzina

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Tyler

Who won Veto?: Cody

Votes to Evict: 9-2

In what was surely the biggest upset of the season—yes, even in week 3—fan favorite and four-time Big Brother player Janelle was evicted while on the block next to her best friend in the house, Kaysar. Despite overwhelming support from fans, Janellousy got the best of the majority of the house and threatened by her legacy, they predictably sent the reigning Queen of BB packing.

Week 2: Nicole A.

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Memphis Garrett

Who won Veto?: Memphis

Votes to Evict: 10-2

Memphis's plan to backdoor Ian was foiled when Christmas won the Safety Suite competition and chose the 29-year-old former BB winner as her VIP. With an intense nomination speech, he then put David and Nicole A on the block. And these noms stayed the same after a controversial veto competition win. Now, after a week full of Janellousy, one of the two #BB21 alums in the house were guaranteed to go home.

Week 1: Keesha

Photo credit: CBS
Photo credit: CBS

Who won HOH?: Cody

Who won Veto?: Enzo

Votes to Evict: 13-0

Soon after winning HOH on the live premiere show, Cody set his sights on targeting OGs Janelle and Kaysar. However, after they both played in the safety suite competition, Kaysar won and chose Janelle as his VIP, meaning they were safe from being nominated. Cody then had to come up with another plan and nominated Kevin and Keesha for eviction. And after the Veto competition—which Enzo won—the two houseguests remain on the block. Unfortunately, Keesha (#BB10's America's Favorite) was not able to rally the votes and was evicted first.

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