Everything You Need to Know About Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility

virgo and scorpio compatibility
All About Virgo and Scorpio CompatibilityGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Calling all control freaks! When you put Virgo and Scorpio together, you know things are going to go according to plan. This dynamic duo can accomplish quite a lot together. Virgo’s meticulous nature and attention to detail will leave Scorpio feeling secure and confident in what to expect. And Scorpio’s direct communication style and responsible disposition will make Virgo feel assured that this is one zodiac sign they can rely on for the long haul–whether it be a romantic, platonic, or even a work relationship.

As a fixed water sign, it’s no surprise that Scorpio craves commitment and depth in their connections. Dependability is mutable earth sign Virgo’s middle name, and once they earn Scorpio’s trust, there will be no topic off limits or experience to explore together. Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of self-expression and dialogue, which lends them some extra charm, skill, and wit with their words. This can serve them well when it comes to having the raw and vulnerable conversations that Scorpio craves (and can also better equip them to sort through some of Scorpio’s tempestuous mood swings).

Virgo and Scorpio As Friends

Virgo's and Scorpio's support and love for one another can feel effortless. These two zodiac signs prioritize loyalty in their friendships. Scorpio’s fixed nature makes them one of the most loyal and committed zodiac signs out there. Once you earn their heart and trust, you’ve got a lifelong companion. (As long as you don’t ever cross them!) Virgo is one of the most selfless and giving signs of the zodiac. They thrive off of being of service and helping others. Virgo is the zodiac sign you can call at any hour of the evening or in a crisis, and they’ll be at your house in 10 minutes. This level of loyalty and reliability can be hard to find, and Virgo and Scorpio will appreciate knowing that they can always count on the other to show up when they need it most.

When it comes to having fun together, these two zodiac signs are natural sleuths. When they put their brains together, there is no mystery they can’t solve. Virgo and Scorpio BFFs may spend countless hours researching on the internet, finding their partners’ exes or uncovering the identity behind the finsta account that keeps stalking their Instagram stories. Scorpio was born with superb researching skills, and when coupled with Virgo’s analytic and precise nature, this BFF pairing will always have the latest gossip and piping hot tea first. Their minds compliment each other quite well. They’ll enjoy getting to the bottom of the drama in their friendship circle and hearing everyone's secrets.

Sex Between Virgo and Scorpio

Sex between a Virgo and Scorpio can feel legendary. This is one of the most dynamic and underrated pairings in the bedroom. How is it that Virgo, a zodiac sign that’s symbolized by "the virgin," can fulfill Scorpio’s seemingly insatiable needs in the bedroom? Virgo’s “virginal” nature is often misconstrued—Virgo is not committed to abstaining from sex, but rather is committed to prioritizing themself and their own needs. Virgos are actually one of the kinkiest zodiac signs—as a mutable sign that prefers versatility, they can be incredibly open-minded in the bedroom. Virgo loves to be of service and that extends into their sex life, as well. Coupled with their open-minded nature, they are eager to please their lover and are often game for exploring any kinks or desires their partner is interested in (after discussing boundaries, of course).

Scorpio is a committed lover, and they will want to make sure they leave a lasting impression on Virgo as one of the best lovers they’ve ever had. Scorpio will go above and beyond to make sure Virgo isn’t the only one giving. They won't be outdone; they will make sure Virgo’s sexual needs are met—and then some! This zodiac pairing can have an incredibly fulfilling and exciting sexual relationship that keeps them both fixated on one another as they explore the breadth of their wildest physical desires.

Virgo and Scorpio in a Relationship

When a Virgo and Scorpio decide to give their relationship a go, they may feel like they’ve finally found "the one." As an earth sign, Virgo innately has the consistency that Scorpio craves. And as a water sign, Scorpio can help Virgo detach from anxious thoughts or overthinking and help them move through and process their emotions. These two effortlessly possess the building blocks the other zodiac sign is seeking in a long-term partnership: Responsibility and reliability. Once trust is established, Virgo and Scorpio will both feel safe enough to open up and continue to invest in their union.

They will have a few hurdles to overcome. Virgo can easily get lost in an overthinking spiral and take things personally. If Scorpio is in a mood or craving more solitude, Virgo will have to do their best to keep their anxious thoughts in check. And asking questions of an already-moody Scorpio isn’t going to win any points or help the two reach a resolution. Scorpio will also have to keep an eye on their tendency to be possessive. While Virgo is an incredibly loyal sign, they do crave novelty—think meeting new people and trying new things. If Scorpio chooses to not join Virgo’s latest adventure, they will have to do their best to not lash out with jealousy if Virgo makes a new friend or finds a new hobby they enjoy without their dearly beloved.

Virgo and Scorpio in Marriage

In marriage, Virgo and Scorpio can find a natural groove and flow with one another quite easily. Virgo’s ability to communicate with compassion and clarity can help comfort Scorpio during any moments of doubt or spirals of despair. Scorpio’s probing and deep nature can help feed Virgo’s desire to connect intellectually and to be intellectually stimulated. As a water sign, Scorpio nourishes Virgo’s earth, and their energy works together harmoniously to create a fertile environment for growth, support, and expansion.

These two will need to be aware of their ability to use words as a weapon. Virgo can be quite critical and when their needs aren’t being met, it’s easy for them to default into nagging their partner instead of reflecting on the deeper root of the issue. If Scorpio feels cornered or attacked, they're armed with a stinger for a reason, and Scorpio’s stings can leave lasting scars. These two can avoid a verbal battle royale by tending to their individual relationship needs and making sure both parties are feeling both emotionally and intellectually stimulated. As long as they continue to temper any defensive reactions during challenging periods that arise in any relationship, Virgo and Scorpio’s union can stand the test of time.

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