Everything We Know About "Sweet Tooth" Season 2

Photo credit: KIRSTY GRIFFIN - Netflix
Photo credit: KIRSTY GRIFFIN - Netflix

In a surprise twist, Netflix might have released one of their best series yet with Sweet Tooth. The hopeful story of a kid in a post-apocalyptic world has its scary moments, but the show's heart keeps viewers on the edge of the seat as they follow Gus, AKA Sweet Tooth, on a dangerous adventure. Executive produced by Robert Downey Jr., Sweet Tooth is the surprising post-pandemic series we needed. Fans can't get enough of the new series and are hoping we'll head back into the world of Sweet Tooth. So will the hopefully series return for a second season?

*Major spoilers for season 1 of Sweet Tooth below!*

Here's everything you need to know about Sweet Tooth season 2.

Is Sweet Tooth season 2 happening?

With the series just making its big premiere, it's still a little too early for any news of a renewal to be revealed just yet. Hopefully, audiences continue to love the series and encourage others to watch so it has a bigger chance of coming back.

What will Sweet Tooth season 2 be about?

Luckily for us, the show is based off the hit comic book series of the same name, so it's pretty easy to find out what will happen next.

The end of season 1 saw Gus in the hands of the Last Men along with several other hybrids. While he finally found other kids like him, there's no doubt that they'll try to plan their escape to head back home. Meanwhile, Jepp AKA Big Man and Amy finally meet when she rescues him and Amy is set on trying to save the kids from General Abbott. Bear also got a big surprise when the satellite phone she was fixing up worked and Birdie ended up being on the other line. Hopefully, this means that Gus will finally get to see his mom again, but only if he gets out of the camp.

Who will be coming back for season two?

Luckily, it looks like all of our favorite characters will be back if the show does return for another season. However, with so many Last Men on the loose under General Abbott's control, there's no telling who will survive at the end or not.

When will Sweet Tooth season 2 start filming?

Writing and production will likely start as soon as they can for season two if they get the green light. Since the series was filmed during the pandemic in New Zealand, it should be easier for them to get everything in order if they want to start filming straight away.

When will Sweet Tooth season 2 be released?

If the series does start filming right away, then there's a good chance that we'll only wait about a year for it to come back.

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