Everything You Need to Know About the Moon Tarot Card

Photo credit: Katie Buckleitner
Photo credit: Katie Buckleitner

Um, what’s happening here??! The Moon, a powerful tarot card in the Major Arcana, appears when everything is a bit confusing and all is not quite what it seems. You know when something feels a bit off, but you can't quite put your finger on why? That’s the energy of the Moon. It’s intense, it’s wild, it’s emotional, and it highlights our deepest fears and anxieties. When everything in the earthly realm feels like an illusion, our dreams kick into high gear to help us work out our feelings and seek the solutions we need to make sense of it all.

The Moon Keywords

Illusions, Confusion, Fears, Anxieties, Subconscious, Dreams

The Moon Upright

When everything feels unclear and we are unsure what move to make next: That's when you draw The Moon. This card is an acknowledgement of this mental confusion. Take this moment as an opportunity to pause and reflect as you ask yourself, “Okay, what am I so afraid of??” Usually our fears stem from a lack of information, so do a little digging and find out what you need to know. Ask some questions, bb! Remember, the fear of the unknown is always so much worse in our imaginations than in our realities. There's no rush to make any decisions, because we are still sleuthing over here.

No one enjoys feeling confused. We want answers!!! Unfortunately, this will take some time, and logic probably won’t help you out of this chaos. This is a situation you need to feel your way through, so unlock your intuition! What’s your subconscious trying to tell you? Pay attention to your dreams and notice any patterns or recurring themes. Are you keeping a dream journal? If not, this is a good time to start! The secrets you wish to unlock may reside there.

The Moon Reversed

When you draw The Moon reversed, know that just like the Moon herself, this current moment of confusion is just a phase. The clarity you've been seeking has arrived! The uncertainty is dissipating, and the truth shall be revealed (finally, amirite?!). Everything is aligning to make some progress, but what is the missing puzzle piece? Sometimes the biggest stumbling blocks and largest obstacles are the illusions we create in our own minds. By facing your fears and confronting your anxieties, you can move forward and make those important decisions you have been holding off on.

Still feeling unsure?? This is your invitation to get a little more magical. Let the light of the Moon’s cycle guide you! During the next New Moon, set some intentions, and release what is no longer serving you with the next Full Moon. Life just makes more sense when we infuse practical magic and ritual into our everyday lives. And always honor your intuition. When we go against our instincts or talk ourselves out of our gut feelings, that is when we find ourselves in murky waters and troubling situations. You know exactly what you need to do, so trust your inner wisdom and act accordingly.

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