Everything You Need to Know About a 'Mommy Makeover'

<p>Ivan Kyryk / Getty Images</p>

Ivan Kyryk / Getty Images

Medically reviewed by William Truswell, MD

Pregnancy and breastfeeding change your body in many ways. While some people don’t mind the changes–such as rapid weight gain and loose skin–others seek out plastic surgery, such as a mommy makeover, to improve their self-esteem.

A mommy makeover is a popular type of combined plastic surgery among women who have had children. It usually involves abdominoplasty (a tummy tuck) and breast surgery, such as a breast lift or breast augmentation. A plastic surgeon may perform these procedures all at once or in separate sessions.

Learn more about mommy makeovers, including what’s involved in the procedure, the potential benefits, and what to expect from the recovery process.

What Is Included In The Procedure?

A mommy makeover often includes both a tummy tuck and/or liposuction and breast surgery. Some people also request vaginal rejuvenation surgery as part of their package.

Tummy Tuck

During pregnancy, most people gain (and later lose) a significant amount of weight. The abdominal muscles and skin also have to stretch to accommodate a growing baby. These changes can lead to sagging skin and a stomach that appears to “stick out” even after the postpartum period. Some people who have given birth also develop diastasis recti, a condition in which the muscles of the abdominal wall separate.

One way to tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin is through a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty. During this procedure, a plastic surgeon makes a hip-to-hip incision in order to remove unwanted fat deposits and loose skin.

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In addition to their weight, many people notice that their overall fat distribution changes during pregnancy. Liposuction—so named because fat is “suctioned” out—can help to re-contour certain parts of the body and remove excess fat. Particularly after pregnancy, many people choose to get liposuction on their hips, thighs, stomach, or buttocks.

In the most common type of liposuction, a plastic surgeon injects a solution into the affected areas of your body. Then, they remove fat from those areas with a vacuum through cannulas placed under the skin.

Breast Augmentation

Many women notice that their breasts look smaller, “deflated,” or “empty” after pregnancy. This is due to several different factors, including breastfeeding and the effects of significant weight gain and loss.

Breast augmentation surgery (what we often refer to as a “boob job”) can help to reshape and resize the breasts, making them appear rounder and more full after childbirth. While you’re under anesthesia, your surgeon will make incisions and place implants either over or under your chest muscles. Breast implants are usually filled with saline or silicone.

It’s recommended to wait until after you’ve finished breastfeeding—and when you know you don’t want any more children—to have cosmetic surgery.

Breast Lift

Breast augmentation surgery is often combined with a breast lift, or mastoplexy, during a mommy makeover.

A breast lift involves making one to three incisions in your breast to remove excess skin and tissue. Your surgeon might also move your areola and nipple upward. This procedure can help to address the drooping and sagging that many people experience after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery

Hormonal changes and the process of labor and childbirth can sometimes change your vulva and vagina itself. This can lead to vaginal dryness, tearing, stretched vaginal muscles, and/or extended labia majora (vaginal lips).

Some people who are bothered by these changes opt for vaginal rejuvenation surgery. This may involve tightening the vaginal muscles and/or removing extra skin. Some research suggests that this procedure can improve sexual satisfaction due to extra friction. On the other hand, there’s also a risk of scarring and sensation loss.

Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

You may want to get a mommy makeover for many different reasons, from wanting to fit into your old clothes to improving your quality of life and self-confidence.

Some of the potential benefits of a mommy makeover include:

  • Relieving diastasis recti symptoms: Some people experience lower back pain and pelvic pain due to diastasis recti. Correcting abdominal separation with a tummy tuck may help to relieve some of these symptoms.

  • Restoring some aspects of pre-pregnancy appearance: Breast lifts, both with and without breast augmentation, can help to reshape and contour the breasts. This can help to reduce or reverse the effects of aging, weight loss, and/or breastfeeding on breast size and appearance.

  • Improving sex life: Some people may experience a boost in “sexual self-esteem” after having cosmetic surgery. This means that they feel more confident in expressing their sexuality and initiating sex.

  • Building self-confidence: Research suggests that some people feel more confident and have higher self-esteem after undergoing cosmetic surgery, such as a mommy makeover.

Who It's For

You may consider getting a mommy makeover if you’re generally in good health and want to restore certain aspects of your pre-pregnancy physical appearance. You should typically avoid getting a mommy makeover if you:

  • Are planning on having more children

  • Want to lose a significant amount of weight

  • Want the surgery to please someone else rather than yourself

  • Have postpartum depression (PPD)

Certain risk factors may increase your chance of developing complications after surgery. Talk to your healthcare provider before getting a mommy makeover if you:

Recovery and What to Expect

Recovery time after a mommy makeover varies widely, depending on which procedures you choose and any side effects you experience. Most people are able to get back to work in about a month.

After a mommy makeover, you’ll likely experience symptoms like:

You should start to see the effects of your surgery within a few months. During this time, follow up with your surgeon and follow all of their instructions in order to optimize your results and protect your health.

Here are a few steps you can take to make sure that your mommy makeover recovery goes smoothly:

  • Get plenty of rest.

  • Stay hydrated and eat nutritious foods.

  • Walk around to promote circulation.

  • Avoid lifting anything heavy (including your kids) for 4-6 weeks.

  • Wear compression garments consistently as instructed by your doctor.

  • Keep affected areas of your skin protected until your drains are removed.

  • Avoid smoking in the weeks before and after surgery.

  • Don’t expose your scars to UV light or sunlight.

  • Use silicone sheets, gentle cleansing, and vitamin E to take care of your scars.

Risks and Side Effects

Every surgery, including cosmetic surgery, comes with risks. However, mommy makeovers are generally considered safe when performed by qualified, board-certified plastic surgeons. Research suggests that combining cosmetic breast and abdominal surgeries doesn’t significantly increase the chance of complications.

Serious complications from a mommy makeover are relatively rare. However, they are always possible. Some of the severe medical complications that can occur after a mommy makeover include stroke, respiratory distress, infection, pneumonia, coma, heart attack, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism.


The average total cost of a mommy makeover can range from $9,000-$20,000. This may not include additional expenses like anesthesia and pre- and post-surgery care. The final amount will vary based on factors like your location, chosen procedures, facility, and surgeon(s).

Mommy makeovers aren’t typically covered by insurance. However, your surgeon may offer financing plans. This can help to cut back on upfront costs, allowing you to pay a monthly fee instead.

A Quick Review

Pregnancy, labor and childbirth, breastfeeding, and the postpartum period bring about countless changes – both physical and emotional. A mommy makeover may help you feel more self-confident and comfortable in your own skin.

It’s important to remember that your safety, mental health, and physical well-being should always come first. If you’re dealing with issues related to postpartum body image or self-esteem, you may also consider speaking to a qualified psychotherapist to work through those concerns before seeking out cosmetic surgery.

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