Everything We Know About ‘Good Omens’ Season 3

good omens
Season 3 of 'Good Omens' Is Up in the AirAmazon Prime

Good Omens is finally back after 4 years. The series, based on the novel of the same name co-written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, stars David Tennant and Michael Sheen as an angel and demon who decide to stop the apocalypse after growing fond of humanity and the way the world is. In addition to the show's two leads, a star-studded cast including Brian Cox, Frances McDormand, and Jon Hamm make up the supporting characters.

The first season of the show followed the general plot of the novel (easy enough to do with Neil Gaiman as a writer on the show), and kept the book's humorous tone. The first season premiered to rave reviews, and a second season was all but confirmed.

Now the show has returned, and the apocalypse is averted. The show has begun to move past the original book's plot, so the writers will be able to take creative liberties with the characters and explore new ideas. It's an exciting prospect for fans new and old alike, as decades since the book's publication, there's a new way to enjoy the book and its characters, all with one of the writer's implicit approval.

But as for the longevity of the show, fans are probably wondering what's next for the series. Is there an intended ending now that it's gone beyond the scope of the original book? And what will Season 3 even be about? We've got all the answers for you below.

Will There Be a Good Omens Season 3?

good omens s3
Amazon Prime

It's very possible. Season 2 just released on July 28, so Amazon has yet to give an official announcement on the future of the show. It all depends on how many people watch the show, and if Amazon believes the number of viewers is enough to warrant a renewal. However, Season 2 has clearly set up a cliffhanger for the next season.

Who Will Be in the Cast of Season 3?

Season 3 will definitely see a return of David Tennant and Michael Sheen, as well as Jon Hamm as Gabriel, who leads the forces of Heaven. It's possible we could also see the return of other side characters, like Nina Sosanya as first a nun in Season 1, then Nina in Season 2, or Miranda Richardson, who plays Shax in Season 2.

When Will Season 3 of Good Omens Be Released?

Considering the long amount of time in between Season 1 and 2, we're not clear when Season 3 will come. Gaiman is a busy man (he's also involved in Netflix's The Sandman), and getting together the show's stars and supporting cast could also be a struggle, a regular obstacle for star-packed shows.

There's also the ongoing WGA strike, of which Neil Gaiman is a member of. The strike would undoubtedly delay the show until the WGA reaches a deal and Gaiman is able to return to writing. For now, the show is up in the air!

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