Everything Is So Expensive Right Now, So Here Are The 14 Best And Worst Frugal Hacks I've Ever Seen

I'm a self-admitted frugal person.

Cuntlyff / Via giphy.com

I save about 40% of my income every year (and in the past have saved up to 72%!) and frugality is a part of that. I buy thrifted clothes, I live with my partner and a roommate, and I meal prep every week with my capsule grocery budget.

And with cost of living so high right now, frugality is looking good to a lot of people.

With inflation still at 8.3% in August and economic uncertainty on peoples minds, saving a little more money feels like a good idea. Frugal living tips can help with that,  but some definitely get a little...weird.

Here are the best and worst frugal living tips I've ever seen.

Nickelodeon Animation Studios / Via giphy.com

1. BEST: Focus on big areas of savings to see the biggest impact

Comment from discussion OldNBroken1's comment from discussion "What have you recently cut from your budget in order to save money?".

Focusing on areas you can save hundreds in year after year is WORTH IT. This man saving $750 a year by switching phone plans is a frugal win. Start with housing, transportation, and food costs as areas to cut back in if you can.

2. WORST: Keeping stuff for years to save $4.79

I respect the foresight, but the general advice to hoard things for years to save tiny amounts of money isn't worth it for most people, financially. This is a better tip for people who are trying to reduce waste.

3.BEST: Utilize your public library for more than just books

4.WORST: Live at home to save money

5. BEST: Plant native plants or clover lawns instead of grass as your lawn

Lawns with Bermuda grass need a lot of water and maintenance. For homeowners, switching to clover lawns, or a local native plant like these yards will be cheaper, better for the environment, and prettier.

6.WORST: Everyone needs a side hustle in order to build wealth

7. BEST: Ditch store loyalty and shop local stores

Comment from discussion KittyKatWombat's comment from discussion "Frugal finds at Asian grocery".

If you're in a city, check out a local Asian grocery store for cheaper meats. Brand loyalty (aka buying the same brands again and again) often becomes a habit, and switching it up can save big time.

8.WORST: Just move somewhere cheaper to save on cost of living

9. BEST: Use a drying rack to save on electricity and extend your clothes lives

We all do laundry; a drying rack can cut your electric bill and extend the life of your clothing so you shop less. You can fit one in a hallway, a laundry room, or a small balcony.

10. WORST: Skip hiring wedding event staff and do the set up yourself

I worked over 200 weddings as a caterer and let me tell you: you need staff if there's over 20 people. Setting up tables and chairs, setting plates, silverware, napkins and centerpieces, bussing after people are done eating, packing up the decor at the end of the night...it all takes time. Staff is not the place to be cheap if you want to actually enjoy your own wedding.

11. BEST: Eat in season produce to save on food costs

Different parts of the year have different fruits and veggies that are in season. Eating seasonally can mean cheaper prices and tastier food (since they don't have to be shipped from the other side of the world.) SNAP has a list of what's currently in season throughout the year. And if you have the freezer space, you can buy in season and freeze for later.

12. WORST: Rationing toilet paper

Comment from discussion gonebythewayside's comment from discussion "Frugality to the extreme. What are your stories?".

I'm sorry, there's frugal and then there's unnecessarily cheap. Rationing toilet paper (especially if there's no bidet!!!) is unhygienic and not the super saver you think it is.

13. BEST: Learn to repair things so that you expand their lifetime

Sewing up ripped seams and buttons back onto clothes give you more time with items you have, rather than spending on new. YouTube is a great resource to learn how to repair everything from air conditioners to clothes to cars.

14.WORST: Wasting time when there's no need

raw chicken in a coffeemaker

What's a frugal hack that you use to save money? (Please, no coffee pot chicken recipes).

Looney Tunes / Via youtube.com