Every Time I Make This High-Fiber Banana Bread, Someone Asks for the Recipe

Oatmeal + banana bread = an unbeatable combination.

Photographer: Fred Hardy II, Food Stylist: Margaret Monroe Dickey, Prop Stylist: Shell Royster
Photographer: Fred Hardy II, Food Stylist: Margaret Monroe Dickey, Prop Stylist: Shell Royster

Reviewed by Dietitian Jessica Ball, M.S., RD

We've probably all saved past-their-prime bananas for the day that we feel inspired to make banana bread. And then, eventually, we're throwing out the overly ripe, entirely black bananas that we know we're not going to end up using. We've been there!

Recently, I have had the opposite problem. There's one particular banana bread that has me holding myself back from eating my bananas so they can ripen and I can make this recipe on repeat.

Want to know the recipe? Read on to find out how to make my go-to banana bread that everyone raves about when they try it.

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When I started making homemade banana bread, I would use the classic recipe that we know and love. There's really nothing wrong with it; a sweet and simple banana bread is tried and true, and it helped me get through 2020. But I was always looking to change it up or add more to it, whether it be chocolate chips, different types of flour or more spices for that extra punch of flavor.

Get the Recipe: Oatmeal Banana Bread

Then I tried this Oatmeal Banana Bread recipe, which touts all of my favorite add-in baking ingredients to make it extra swoon-worthy. You may think that it's the cinnamon-ginger combo and dark chocolate chips that brings this banana bread to life. But while those are delicious aspects, it's actually the old-fashioned rolled oats that add a new texture, elevating this banana bread to a whole new level.

What I also love about banana bread is that it's entirely shareable. Whether you're packing slices to share or bringing the whole loaf to a gathering, anyone would be grateful when given the gift of this tasty treat. And this Oatmeal Banana Bread is just as beautiful as it is delicious, so expect heads to turn as you're pulling it out of the oven or carrying it through the door!

In case you weren't already convinced to make this recipe, there's more: each serving of this bread is packed with 3 grams of fiber, making this dessert a fiber-packed choice to end your day on a high note. And if I somehow have any left over the morning after making it, I love eating a slice with a little bit of butter (or nut butter for extra healthy fat and protein) to pair perfectly with my coffee.

Want more fiber-rich desserts? We have plenty! Check out highly rated seasonal recipes like our Peach-Raspberry Pie and Tangerine Upside-Down Cake.

Up next: 17 Satisfying Fruit Desserts That Are High in Fiber