Literally Every Single One Of These 40 Things I Just Found Out Completely And Totally Blew My Mind Last Month

1. This is what it looks like when your entire bottle of glue dries before you can use it:

2. Zoos have emergency snake bite alarms for, well, emergency snake bites:

3. This is what a dollar bill from 100 years ago looks like:

4. If you take all the cookie dough from your cookie dough ice cream and bake it, it'll look a lot like this:

5. One of the largest words in the English language is, well, this:

6. This is what a 2x4 of wood looked like 75 years ago vs. today:

Due to different wood, different cutting methods, etc.

7. Some planes let you have a poo with a view:

8. This is what a legal bottle of cocaine looked like:

9. This is what the first page of Harry Potter looks like in Scots:

Scots is a language native to Scotland.

10. You can save a loooooot of money by visiting your local library:

11. Pink pineapples exist:

They apparently taste pretty much the same.

12. In 1950, you could go to the hospital for $7.50:

Always blows my mind.

13. Maple leafs can be very, very, very, very, very tiny:

14. They made giant, giant rings for the Lord of the Rings movies:

15. Sand doesn't stick to scars or burns:

Because there aren't any sweat glands.

16. This is what is inside a cheap baseball:

A whole lotta mush!

17. This is the distribution of letters in your standard Scrabble set:

I need more J's.

18. In addition to the original (Nic Cage voice) Declaration of Independence, a bunch of copies were made and sent to other places. Here's what one of those copies looks like:

19. When chickens don't get enough calcium, their eggs turn wrinkly:

20. This is what a counterfeit 50 dollar bill looks like compared to a real one:

21. This is what a pack of century-old crayons look like:

22. Human touch can really be a doozy:

23. Some countries have stoplights with timers:

24. This is what the inside of a Magic 8 Ball looks like:

Such power.

25. The original Pledge of Allegiance didn't include "under God":

26. This is the going price for a Big Mac in Sweden:

27. Zimbabwe used to have 20 trillion dollar bills:

This is what inflation looks like when it gets really, really, really, really bad.

28. If left in water long enough, a leaf will turn completely translucent:

29. You can find conjoined apples out in the wild:


30. Five leaf clovers exist to give you EXTREME LUCK:

31. Most places outside of the United States don't refrigerate their eggs:

32. Crosswalks for people on horses are a thing:

33. We finally have the answer to "what happens if a cactus gets hit by lightning":

34. Some dishwashers have a place just for chopsticks:

35. Fingers can grow back. FINGERS CAN GROW BACK!

Read more here.

36. Table hockey pucks can get very, very worn down:

37. People were talking about climate change as long as 110 years ago:

38. Dandelions can be gigantic:

39. This is what happens to a penny when it goes in one end and out the other:

40. And, finally, you've seen the "American" section in a grocery store before. Well, this is what the "European" section looks like in the US:
