Ever heard of the Flooding of the Nile? Head to the library to learn some history of Egypt

August 15 marks the holiday the Flooding of the Nile. Have you heard of it? I just found out about it researching for this column. It surprised me because I have always had a love of Egyptian history. They have such a rich and interesting culture. One day I hope to travel to see the pyramids in person. Until then I will continue learning about their culture. I hope some of you too enjoy Egyptian history.

August 15 is the start of a two-week celebration. This period of cultural celebrations is known as Wafaa-EL-Nil, the English translation is “Fidelity of the Nile.” During this holiday people acknowledge how their rich history, culture, and economic prosperity have stemmed from the flooding of the river.

Did you know that the Nile is one of the smallest of the world’s rivers? This is measured by the water flowing through it. It is the main water source of Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan. It supports their fishing and agricultural needs. It is around 6,650 kilometers long.

The flooding of the Nile has been celebrated for thousands of years. The Nile has been bursting its banks far before anyone was around to witness this awe-inspiring natural event. Ancient Egyptians thought the sudden rise of the rivers had to do with their gods. The belief was that it flooded every year because of Isis who cried for her husband. Osiris had been slain by Set. The flooding was because of the tears she shed trying to knit her husband’s body back together.

Regardless of the reason for the flooding, it was important because of the black silt that was left behind when water levels returned to normal. This silt is rich in minerals and vitamins that allowed crops to flourish. It made it possible to grow successful crops in the desert. Only 3% of their land is in the floodplain and is very fertile. How high the flood water would rise would determine the success of that year’s crops and harvest. If the flood did not cause high levels to rise there, that year would be a famine. During prosperous years grain was always stored to help them make it through future droughts.

Even to this day archeologist are uncovering the Ancient Civilizations of the Egyptians. Learn more about this at your library. Do you want to know more about Isis and her husband Osiris? Then you will want to check out the book “Tales of Ancient Egypt” by Roger Lancelyn Green. Their story is included in this title along with several others. Learn the great myths of Amen-Ra, who created all the creatures in the world, Isis searching the waters for her dead husband Osiris, of the Bennu Bird and the Book of Thoth. There are also tales told for pleasure about magic, treasure and adventure- even the first ever Cinderella story.

“Story of the Nile: by Anne Millard is perfect for the whole family. This book takes the readers on a pictorial journey down the River Nile. Meet the people who settled along its banks. The detailed full-color illustrations capture one of the world’s most important ancient cultures.

If you want to uncover the rich history of Egypt or learn more about its culture, make sure to stop by the library. We have lots of resources to help you uncover the secrets of this ancient land and its people.

This article originally appeared on Redding Record Searchlight: Carlsbad Public Library offers resources on the Nile, Egyptian history