Tell Us Your Story Of Finally Cutting Your Losses After Exiting A Costly, Toxic, Or Dangerous Situation

Imagine spending almost all of your money, including your life savings, on a new home for you and your family. Then, you start getting terrorizing letters in your mailbox. It was so frustrating to see this real-life situation happen to the family in The Watcher, and for them to not immediately move out. It got me thinking of all the people out there who refused to exit a dangerous (or toxic) situation because of the time and money they invested into it.

stranger stands outside a home in "the watcher"

It's not easy to admit when you are in over your head, though being honest about it can be helpful to other folks out there who are putting their safety on the line. So, I want to know: what's a moment in your life when you finally you cut your losses, and how did things turn out?

Perhaps you also bought a house that you didn't feel safe in; you tried to ride it out, but eventually, prioritized your safety and moved out. It was a huge financial loss, but you and your family are finally getting sleep again.

"the watcher" family

Maybe you jumped into opening up your own business. You bought the space, renovated it, and invested so many resources into it. But it just never took off. After years of accruing debt, a buyer came along, and you made the painful decision that it was time to find a different dream — you sold.

cake shop from "bridesmaids"

Did you stay in a job you hated because you were constantly promised a promotion? And after waiting for years, the last straw was when your boss offered the position they promised you to a new hire; you quit the following day.

"the watcher"

Or perhaps you were in a marriage that was on the rocks. You and your partner desperately tried to save the relationship for the sake of your kids. But after spending years and thousands of dollars in counseling, you finally decided to file for divorce. And your kids? They're just happy that you're smiling again.

gisele bundchen holds soon-to-be ex-husband Tom Brady's hand
Kevin Tachman / Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue

Tell us your story of the time you finally cut your losses and how things turned out in the comments (or through this anonymous Google form). Your submission could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post, and help out other folks in a similar situation.