What Are Some Embarrassing Things Your Cringeworthy Boss Has Ever Said Or Done? Tell Me About It

There's nothing worse than having a boss or manager that you dislike.

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A person with quality managerial skills can be tough to come by!

A woman sitting on a couch talking to a man in a serious conversation
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Oftentimes an employee has good reason for not liking their boss. Like, maybe their comments or behavior in the workplace is just not HR compliant.

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So I want to know: Have you ever had a boss or manager that has said or done some embarrassing, cringeworthy things that they should maybe be fired for?

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Perhaps you had a boss or manager who didn't have a filter and said whatever. Yikes!

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Maybe you had a manager who made inappropriate jokes that caused you to roll your eyes and shake your head over Slack.

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Or perhaps this boss actually got fired because HR caught wind of their behavior.

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If you're nodding yes in agreement, it's time for you to dish about this horrifying boss!

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Let me know all the details in the comments below or, if you prefer, in this anonymous form.

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Some submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.