27 "Small Hills" That People Are Saying They Will Absolutely Die On

A while ago, I wrote a post about people sharing the absolute smallest hill they'll die on. You guys seemed to really be into that, so I decided to share some more, straight from our own BuzzFeed Community!

Some of these are increeedibly relatable. Some I'd never even thought about, but now that I have, they will haunt me forever. And for some, I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda like, "Wow, amazed that anyone would ever care about that!" ...But regardless, they're entertaining. So, please, enjoy!

1."It bothers me when people say that they will be 'renting' something from the library. Rent implies that a fee was paid in order to use an item for a period of time. You 'borrow' items from a library. Borrowing implies that you can use the item at no cost."

Two people browse books in between two library shelves
Maskot / Getty Images

2."People saying 'thanks so much' for everyday things, like getting a coffee. Just say thank you. What are you going to say when someone saves your life? You used 'thanks so much' on a muffin."


3."'Apart' vs. 'a part.' 'Apart' means separate, e.g. torn apart, living apart. 'A part' means a piece of the whole. [I see] so many Instagram posts [where] people are 'happy to be apart of a special day!' Were you separated from the event? No, you were A PART of the day."

bride holding her bouquet of flowers
20th Century Fox / Courtesy Everett Collection

4."It's anywaY, not anywayS!!!"


5."When people spell it 'yay or nay' … it’s 'yea' or nay. (I know it's] still pronounced 'yay,' which explains the common misconception.)"

20th Century Studios

6."Rampant misuse of apostrophes. It feels like we've collectively become dumber. Apostrophes mean [a word is] possessive, or [is] a contraction. [They] never mean [a word is] plural."


"Style guides used to be okay with an apostrophe to pluralize an acronym, such as ATM’s, but that has since changed, so it would just be ATMs."


7."I'm well aware that this hill is actually a pile of sand I made for myself, but I hate advertising for horror films popping up on movies/shows/videos that have nothing to do with [horror]. I have a psychotic disorder and [It's hard to keep] some images from feeling real, so I avoid anything [related to] horror movies or TV shows."

unicorn running with text, this buzzfeed wrtier is including the exact opposite of a horror movie image

8."People who think you aren't disabled unless you're in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank. There are invisible disabilities, and lots of wheelchair users can walk. [That] doesn't mean they can do it very long or far. People scream obscenities, leave nasty notes on my car or scratch it with keys because I parked in the handicapped space and walked in... 'You don't look disabled!' they sneer. You don't look stupid either."

Three people talking together in an office; two sit in chairs, one sits in a wheelchair

9."My hill is that every adult* native English speaker should know the grammar basics. I'm talking about knowing how to properly use its/it's, to/too, they're/there/their, etc."

closeup of a hand writing in a notebook

10."[Something] that really annoys me is people who say 'I don't give two shits' as if [that has more emphasis than] 'I don't give a shit.' It does not! 'I don't give a shit' means that you don't even give one single shit; you give no shits. 'I don't give two shits' means you do, in fact, give a shit!"

a person dressed as the poop emoji (a swirly piece of poop with eyes) stands in the background, between two blurry police officers in the foreground

11."If your dog is not a service dog that’s specifically trained and tested, DO NOT BRING THEM EVERYWHERE. Look, I love my dogs, but they are NOT trained service dogs. Unless it’s, like, PetSmart or Home Depot, leave them in the car with the windows down a little if you really want to bring them with."

small dog in the cart at the grocery store
Brooks Payne / Getty Images

12."Stop saying '6 a.m. in the morning.' 'a.m.' implies that it’s morning."


13."If you want to make a burger bigger, make it wider, not taller. I’m tired of having to try to unhinge my jaw to try to cram a whole meatloaf with fixins in my mouth."

Closeup of a woman's hands holding a giant burger with multiple patties
Boy_Anupong / Getty Images

14."If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: the rebranding of pleather as 'vegan leather' is one of the greatest scams of the past decade."


15."When people spell 'y’all' as 'ya’ll,' especially if that person claims to be from the south."

From "RuPaul's Drag Race": drag queen saying "Hi, y'all"

16."When someone asks 'Do you mind?' the correct response is 'no,' as in 'no, I do not mind.' It drives me mad when people respond 'yes' — that means you do mind!"


17."'How did you do on your test?' 'I did good!' ...No, you did well. I don’t know why that one annoys me, but it does."

A circled "F" on a piece of notebook paper
IcemanJ / Getty Images

18."Pay It Forward drive-thru lines. I'm not going to risk paying $40 for someone else's order when all I bought was a soda."

4 cars waiting in a Starbucks drive thru line
Hyoung Chang / Getty Images

19."YOUR means it belongs to you. YOU'RE is a contraction for you are. LIGHTNING strikes during storms and you go to salons for hair LIGHTENING. YOU'RE going to LOSE your keys if YOUR pockets are LOOSE. A king REIGNS and you pull tight on your REINS to slow your horse down."

Larry Lee Photography / Getty Images

20."BAD SOUTHERN ACCENT SYNDROME IN MOVIES! If the film is set in Georgia, actors talk like Texans. If Texas, they sound like [they're from] Mississippi. Louisiana film actors sound like [they're from] Georgia! Each state is different. Nobody has made a dress from flour sacks since the 1940s and southern women don't wear limp dresses, drab sweaters and clunky men's shoes. We do read and write, and we listen to many more music genres than just country."

From "The Simpsons": a character dressed as a Buckingham Palace guard says to Maggie, "Hello, gov'nor." It's marked as a southern accent

21."I will die on the hill of the Oxford comma. I’m lucky the editors at my job are pro-Oxford comma or I’d lose my freakin’ mind."


"Same! If you ever need to convince higher-ups to use it, show them the case of the Maine dairy delivery drivers, who disputed a contract over a missing Oxford comma, and their company ended up owing them $5 million for unpaid overtime."


22."The hill I will die on is that companies should not be allowed to put 'leather' in the name of a product when it’s actually pleather. I almost bought a belt that was called a 'leather belt' on the website, but the description said 'vegan leather.' Plus, they get away with charging more for products by calling them 'vegan' as opposed to 'plastic.'"

a wall of shelves of Moroccan leather bags

23."When things are a matter of taste, don't judge other people for their preferences... Unless it's a mullet. Then, judge away."

a man with a mullet, facing away at a 3/4 angle so both the front and back of his mullet are on display
Anthony Redpath / Getty Images

24."When you enter my home, please take off your shoes. I don’t understand why people don’t take off their shoes. I don’t want to track the ‘outside’ into my house."

two men return home with shopping bags; once inside, they remove their shoes
Tayutau / Getty Images

25."People adding an apostrophe + s to place names. Like, if they talk about going to 'Target's' or 'Panera's.' It's like nails on a chalkboard to me."

Closeup of Target shopping carts
Scott Olson / Getty Images

26."There is no 'x' in the words escape, especially, or espresso."


"The espresso one drives me nuts. I worked in a coffee shop that had 'espresso' as the Wi-Fi password. Customers' arguments with employees got so bad that we literally had to say 'The password is Espresso, with an 's,'' to avoid people getting mad at us."

Guido Meith / Getty Images

27.And, finally: "PLUTO IS A PLANET!!!"

photo of Pluto with text saying "you are valid" with hearts surrounding it
dima_zel / Getty Images

...Whew. Personally, the espresso one irks the hell out of me... Espresso itself might make my eye twitch from caffeine, but "expresso" is a whole other beast. I hope you all enjoyed (or were infuriated by) these — and feel free to leave "small hills" of your own down in the comments!

Note: Some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.