Europeans Are Sharing "Totally Normal" Things That Are "Nonexistent" In America, And I've Personally Never Thought Of 90% Of These

Reddit user u/TREE__FR0G asked, "What is something that is normalized in Europe yet is a completely unknown concept in the US?" and it's fascinating. I have honestly never thought of 50% of these.

Here are the top-voted answers:

1."Prices already include taxes."

Jon Stewart wiping his face with money

2."Nudity is way more common. And not all nudity is sexual inherently. In my country, we are not ashamed of nudity nor immediately correlate it with sex."

Screenshot from "The Office"

3."Tips are optional."

A tip jar

4."Taking your own shopping bag(s) to the supermarket. Totally normalized in all European countries as far as I know. Or buy a (firm) shopping bag at the store if you don't have one with you. All those plastic bags in US stores, so small that it can only hold two cans of milk so you see customers with a dozen plastic bags for their groceries. This is unthinkable in Europe."

A woman getting a plastic bag for produce

5."Bathroom doors with no gaps."

A gap in a bathroom stall door

6."Six weeks vacation."

A man sunbathing


A cartoon train

8."More people are day drinking in Europe than I have ever seen in America."

Post Malone drinking

9."Paying to use a toilet."

A woman in a bathroom

10."Not worrying about wild animals when you're going out hiking. In most of Western Europe at least, needing to carry bear spray or whatever is just not a thing. Our 'wildlife' is pretty tame, and sadly, any wilderness we have isn't really...wilderness on the scale of North America."

A park ranger with his finger pointing up

11."Not putting eggs in [the] refrigerator. 🥚"

A carton of eggs

12."Go to the grocery store on your bicycle."

A man and his son riding their bikes down the street

13."Mayo with French fries. I’m in the US but have cousins in Holland. They introduced me to to this years ago, and it’s pretty awesome."

French fries dipped in mayo

14."The right to roam. It's glorious to be able to hike across private land when you grow up used to signs saying 'Trespassers will be shot.'"

People hiking

And finally...

15."A good fitting bra. American bras are trash. The cups are lousy and only come in one piece. European bras are far superior to them. The construction is a lot better and so are the materials."

A woman looking at a bra

Now, it's your turn! What's something normal in Europe that American's don't experience? Comment below!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.