Going Home For The Holidays? Watch These Movies With Your Parents

Christmas is almost here and if you are heading home for the holidays, you might be preparing for how to keep from starting World War III while spending time with your parents.

Sony / Via Giphy

Thankfully, we're here to help, at least a little bit. You may not be able to hold off fighting forever but you can at least buy some quality bonding time by watching these classic mom and dad-approved films.

Now, before we dive into the list, it should go without saying that no two parents are the same and both moms and dads are complex, nuanced human beings who have their own distinct tastes. So if your parents hate every movie on this list, my apologies. Just having some fun!

With that in mind, here are a few mom and dad films to help you survive the holidays. These movies tend to avoid controversy or anything too explicit or objectionable; instead, these are good old-fashioned classics that both you and your mom or dad can enjoy watching together without being forced to have any awkward conversations. Enjoy!

Mom Movies

9 to 5 (1980)

Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton, and Jane Fonda talking.

A League of Their Own (1992)

Geena Davis holding a baseball bat.

Little Women (2019)

Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Saoirse Ronan, and Eliza Scanlen looking out the window.

Mamma Mia! (2008)

Christine Baranksi, Meryl Streep, and Julie Walters looking suspicious.

Moonstruck (1987)

Cher and Nicolas Cage dressed nicely.

Roman Holiday (1953)

Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck talking at the Colosseum.

Sense & Sensibility (1995)

Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson looking forlorn.

Titanic (1997)

The cynical and cold-hearted will dismiss this movie as corny but the discerning and open-minded viewer knows better. Titanic is an epic romance on a level that has only been reached a handful of times in cinematic history, as Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet) get to share a love that is so intense that it follows them both into the next life. What more could you really ask for? Bonus points for the impeccable wardrobe and set design, which can only be found in a period piece.Rent it on Prime Video.

When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal crouching.

Dad Movies

1917 (2019)

George MacKay lying in a trench.

All the President's Men (1976)

Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman talking at a desk.

Casino Royale (2006)

Daniel Craig pointing a gun.

Ghostbusters (1984)

Bill Murray, Harold, Ramis, and Dan Aykroyd exiting an elevator.

High Noon (1952)

Gary Cooper walking through an Old West town.

Inside Man (2006)

Denzel Washington talking to a masked Clive Owen.

The Martian (2015)

Matt Damon doing scientific work.

Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

Russell Crowe holding a gun.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

You could make a list of dad movies starring Harrison Ford that reaches double digits with ease, but while kids may prefer him as Han, dads have the wisdom to know his most iconic character is the rockstar archeologist who punches Nazis and survives the Angel of Death's righteous vengeance. Raiders of the Lost Ark is pure entertainment that never lets up from the minute it starts, anchored by Ford's legendary performance and the confident guiding hand of Steven Spielberg.Watch it on Paramount Plus.