Erm, an ABC Exec Just Implied This ‘Bachelor’ Theory Could Still Be True

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Photo credit: Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

It’s been 84 years, but Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor is finally wrapping up tonight. Well, actually tomorrow night because this thing is two parts. But anyway! As a reminder, Peter’s final two girlfriends are Hannah Ann Sluss and Madison Prewett—and according to Reality Steve, he’s gonna end up with Madison. Like, he might even propose to her during “After the Final Rose.”

But if you’ve been paying attention to theories this season, you’re probably aware of the rumor floating around that Peter actually ends up with his producer Julie LaPlaca. Seems like a long shot at this point, but ABC executive and head of reality TV programming Rob Mills just low-key teased their connection AGAIN.

“I can’t really comment,” he told Variety ahead of the finale. “He is very, very close to her. She’s the producer who is sort of his day-to-day producer, so she’s there with him, and she knows Peter very well and knows his family very well. They’re all very fond of her. That is all I will say.”

On top of this, Rob said that Barbara Weber’s now-iconic “DON’T LET HER GO” speech isn’t about who we think it is (psst: everyone thinks it’s about Madison), and on top of THAT, Reality Steve tweeted that he’s gotten conflicting info about his spoiler that Madi wins.

In other words: WHAT! IS! HAPPENING!

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