Eric Andre Reflects on 40-Pound Weight Loss With Striking Photos

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If you ran into Eric Andre on the street, you might not recognize him—which means he's accomplished his goal.

The Adult Swim star recently went through a dramatic transformation, losing somewhere in the realm of 45 pounds and getting totally ripped.

The comedian shared a slew of photos showing off the drastic differences on Instagram over the weekend, explaining that he had fluctuated between 218 pounds at his heaviest and 173 at his lightest.

"BEFORE & AFTER," he captioned the carousel. "Bottom of Season 5 versus Top of Season 6. I think the heaviest I got was 218 lbs and the lightest I got was 173lbs!!! I’ll never do a body modification again! That shit was brutal for both season. (If you work at Marvel, ignore the last two sentences.)"

He went on to direct fans to his recent profile in Men's Health for more information and thanked his fitness team, including trainers Pieter VoddenMarc Monroe and Tyler Manzo.

While chatting with Men's Health, The Eric Andre Show star said he switches up his appearance in between each season to disguise his identity. The series involves pulling pranks on unsuspecting members of the public, so he tries to change it up to keep things as successful as possible. "...for season four, I lost weight. I got as skinny as possible and didn't really work out. For season five, I gained as much weight as possible. I was just eating pizza and peanut butter sandwiches and piña coladas at night," he recalled. "For season six, I wanted to get ripped." But as soon as filming was over, he said he went straight back to pizza. "It was a journey."

In addition to near-daily workouts, he worked with a nutritionist, eating mainly fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables. "Japanese sweet potato and sourdough bread were my only carbs," he shared. For a snack, he'd have no sodium tuna, turkey slices, cottage cheese, and grapes.

"But, if your only carbs are Japanese sweet potato and sourdough bread, and you can't eat after six o'clock in the evening, and you're drinking a gallon of water, and you can't drink any alcohol, and you can't have hot Cheetos—you start losing your mind."

Reflecting on the various seasons, Andre confirmed he had no plans to modify his body ever again. "Starving myself season four ended in failure because I was so exhausted that I couldn't write. For season five, getting fat was the most fun—it's great at first, but then you're miserable. I'm still dealing with the ramifications of it. My fat cells are still dealing with the ramifications of it. And then, in season six, I got in shape. But, getting into shape after the age of 21 is so much work that I snapped at the end. They're like hell," he said. Now, he tried to keep himself just shy of 200 pounds

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