Enjoy This Video of Edward and Annie the Penguins Taking a Field Trip Through an Empty Aquarium

Photo credit: Shedd Aquarium - Twitter
Photo credit: Shedd Aquarium - Twitter

From Cosmopolitan

  • Three penguins named Edward, Annie, and Wellington went on a field trip at the Shedd Aquarium.

  • Normally the penguins stay in their enclosure, but because the Shedd is closed as a coronavirus precaution, they were allowed to roam (with supervision, ofc).

The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago has been closed since Friday, and while that's a bummer for humans from the midwest (hi, me), it's not a bad deal for the facility's penguin residents.

Because there are no people wandering around and looking at aquatic life, the mantle has fallen to a group of curious penguins to appreciate TF outta fancy fish for all of us. And thanks to the Shedd Aquarium posting delightful videos showcasing it, now we get to appreciate the penguins appreciating the fish we can't appreciate. What a world!

Let's dive in. Meet Wellington:

He loves saying hi to the fish in the Amazon Rising exhibit specifically, which is extra cute.

"Penguins in the Amazon?!" the Shedd's account wrote. "Some of the penguins went on a field trip to meet other animals at Shedd. Wellington seemed most interested in the fishes in Amazon Rising! The black-barred silver dollars also seemed interested in their unusual visitor."

But wait, there's more! Two bonded rockhopper penguins named Annie and Edward are about to build a nest together (😭). That fact alone has caused my group chat to spiral. Before Annie and Edward make this Big Life Change though, they were allowed to go on a penguin date around the Shedd.

They saw the sights:

Hit the town exhibits:

And they may have been the most genuinely curious visitors to ever swing by the Information Desk:

I highly recommend watching these videos on repeat as a pick me up, but also keep an eye on the Shedd's Twitter feed, where they've promised to deliver more penguin updates.

Enjoy the socially distant and responsible fun! But unless you're a penguin...please stay TF inside if you can.

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