Enduro Race Announces Generous Women's Privateer Sponsorship Program That Includes Free Bike

Even as the sport of mountain biking sees increasing levels of female participation, racing remains male-dominated.

One race series has set out to fix that disparity. The North American Enduro Cup in Kellogg, Idaho has announced a privateer program to help out eager women racers.

NAEC Privateer Contest<p>North American Enduro Cup</p>
NAEC Privateer Contest

North American Enduro Cup

The winner of the competition will receive over $15,000 (!) worth of bike gear and race entries. The first prize includes a bike, gear, and free race entries, while the runners-up will get a drivetrain and free race entries. See the full details of the prizes below.

Winner's Prize<p>North American Enduro Cup</p>
Winner's Prize

North American Enduro Cup

Runner's Up Prizes<p>North American Enduro Cup</p>
Runner's Up Prizes

North American Enduro Cup

The application requires only making an instagram reel and tagging the NAEC's account. The panel, made up of prominent women in the race scene, will pick winners which will be announced at the end of April.

The North American Enduro Cup is a marquee enduro in the US. It attracts some of the best continental racers, who come to duke it out at Silver Mountain’s great bike park. The race includes a stage or two freshly cut loam.

This year’s NAEC will be held on June 15-16. Get more info about the privateer program here.

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