The Year Ends with a New Moon in Capricorn

a moon surrounded by saturn's rings
The Last New Moon of the Year Is HereGetty/Margie Rischiotto

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation, and if you have a lack in your life, then this is the time the collective will work to fill it, through a new experience, person, or item. We must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don’t be scared to get experimental.

For newbies, a New Moon is when the Moon and the Sun align. As an astrology practitioner, I’m all about precision because it’s possible to cut through diamonds. New Moons are for setting intentions and goals to manifest. Take the theme of each New Moon as inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself during this manifestation period.

There is more in this world than lovers who won’t text you back: A message to me and anyone else who needs it. The last Full Moon of the year occurs on December 23, 2022, at 5:16 AM EST in the cardinal earth sign, Capricorn. Capricorn has a zodiacal energy that prompts us astrologically-minded people to begin thinking about what matters. For a moment, travel back in time with me. We can do the Time Warp, jump in a Tardis, or use any kind of magical device you want to focus on. As we imagine time and space spinning, twirling, whirling, and rewinding backward, land your body into the ancient world before Western-minded time measurements. Back when our early ancestors had to be practical and resourceful regarding crops. Capricorn represents the harshness that follows the end of harvest season—the crops are dying, and that’s more pressing of a concern than some guy who won’t send a pigeon to let you know what’s good.

Seriously though, this New Moon in Capricorn is a reminder that the best part about life is that life is not fair. When something somehow magically works out, it’s important for us to radically cherish and be grateful for our success. Even if you are experiencing a moment of stillness in your love life, career, or something else, take time to appreciate all that has occurred so far. In astrology, the Moon represents emotions, and in Capricorn, the Moon has a difficult time expressing itself—it might be bogged down by adult responsibilities and the need to think strategically. Action is surely around the corner. For now, let this New Moon in Capricorn be your sign to trust the process. Patience truly is everything, lovers.

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on nurturing your inner child.

Your horoscope for the New Moon in Capricorn:


Going through the mud is a requirement for you. Keep an open mind when it comes to getting buggy and grimy. Leaving some encounters with a little dirt under your nails is a part of the process. Turns out the road to success is paved with hard work and dedication. Manifestation is the result of an accumulation of your efforts.


Oh, sugar, just because you have a great idea doesn’t mean everyone else will see your vision. For many of you, developing continuing education plans might be a worthy consideration. If you feel like something is not working and still believe in it, maybe finding help is the next great step. Grab your journal and create a list of five people you want to be like. Figure out the recipe that led to their success and then list the ingredients.


Sometimes, our new beginnings start with an ending. As you begin to enter the next stages of your life, it’s important for you to be mindful of who you surround yourself with. Of course, some of your friends are surviving circumstances, but others might be more like anchors pulling you down. Give yourself time to journal about how you share your most valuable resource—bb, that’s you.


The relationship you desire may not be able to happen because of the work that you do. Of course, as the cosmic curator of your life, I do NOT recommend shrinking your legacy for a lover. Instead, look at your ever-expanding list of duties and consider saying “no” instead of of immediately jumping to fill in the blanks. Sometimes, when we allow space for our idle minds, we can more easily attract who we desire.


You know the expression, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result"? That’s not true, dear. How you handle rejection, repetition, and failure matters more than participating in resilience rallies. Unfortunately, “no” is the first step to landing on a “yes.” Try to hold back on groaning and feeling low about the outcome. Of course you should honor your feelings just be sure you don’t spiral downward. You know the the process is lined with mistakes and setbacks, so trust in what you know you’re capable of!


A level head will get you far, Remember that just as thoughts aren’t facts, neither are feelings! In the love department, you might feel mildly overwhelmed by your fears, thoughts, and misbeliefs. Be sure that you’re moving through your flirtations with a reasonable mind. Building a connection with someone new or going to new relationship heights with your partner takes time.


I am all for community development and development with the help of community. When you have healthy communal support, feelings of being protected, cherished, and appreciated can follow. When you've felt let down by community or family, the desire to retreat and find what you need from lovers or close friends becomes a natural reaction. If you face this kind of conflict, consider halting your reactions and think about working with your family first.


Your wisdom from previous experiences might come into conflict with who you want to be. A part of you might want to lead through your work life with the energy of an authority, which is very honorable! When you set goals for yourself, you're holding yourself to the standard that they may actually come into fruition. Be sure not to set the goal post too high though—there are levels to success, and respecting them is how you become eminent!


Sagittarius, to reach your goals, you must be ready for a long-distance run. Sprints can be your pitfalls, so please be wary of spontaneous quests. Of course, you should approach the world with an open mind—that’s how you make the best of the unknown. A willingness to learn and explore is a great quality to have. Just be sure you have your priorities in order.


Some of you might need to create a chart that examines all of your responsibilities. This can be done by listing them off in your journal or actually creating an Excel sheet (especially if you have Virgo placements). Once you have an idea of all you do, start thinking about how to best to move forward with your responsibilities. As the year comes to its end, you can expect for a new burst of activities to follow. Will you make time for them before or after they come?


It's a perfect time to close your mouth and surrender to the unknown. You are a knowledgable person. Even though you may not feel fully understood by the world, ask yourself, “Who is?” This New Moon is a great time for you to dedicate time to retreat and escape from regular life. Think of activities you can commit to that you won’t give up easily. Longevity is key to your wellness.


Dear Pisces, my favorite fishy face! You’re truly an amazing person, do you know that about yourself? The community around you depends on your greatness, meaning you have so much to offer them. Your insight, experiences, and wisdom are a great addition to the world you're in, even if you aren't quite sure to do with the tools in your toolbox. Trust that with time, you’ll begin to appreciate yourself further. This journey begins with patience and self-confidence.

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