Emu Can't Contain His Excitement Over Rescue Piglet and It's Precious

TBH we'd probably behave the same way.

Emus are the second largest birds in the world (right behind ostriches) and they can make absolutely lovely pets, especially if they are raised by a human from a very young age. Most of them get along well with other emus and the males tend to be more docile than the females, because the males incubate and raise the babies.

They can also be absolutely ridiculously hilarious, which is totally proven by the TikTok clip @woods.farm posted of their gorgeously goofy emu Pepper. Watch the following to see Pepper's reaction when the farm adds a new friend.

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@Michelle comments "I am here for the absolute chaos that is an excited emu. That's how I feel about mini pigs too." @Brooke+ adds, "Pepper has the zoomies!" @JessElizabeth hilariously says "I love it when dinosaurs get excited!" He does sort of look a little raptor-ish. But in a very adorable way! @TBsport types, "Happy dance activated!" @Furrjones says, "Pepper is how I feel on the inside when I am trying to play it cool."

For those of you who need another dose of Pepper, and who doesn't?!?, here's another clip of this sweet emu looking very distinguished indeed:

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Great, now we absolutely want our very own emu! And a mini pig for the emu to dance over!

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