Emotional Story of Dog Being Reunited With His Fur Sibling Is Touching Hearts

We can’t help but smile with this story.

Prepare yourselves for this emotional rollercoaster story with TikTok user @louisdavis_, but we promise it is worth the ride. Most dog owners have probably thought about the sad reality that their fur babies had to leave their families. That idea stuck with this TikToker and he always wondered what his dog Theo would do if he saw one of his doggy siblings.

That thought would soon become a reality. At first, Theo only saw his brother across the street. They were unable to fully meet because of the pandemic’s social distancing precautions. This TikToker thinks that the sighting changed something in Theo’s mind and he knew he needed to make their meeting a reality. Check out what happens!

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Aww! We’re so, SO glad Theo finally was able to meet up with his sibling in person. He was the happiest boy we’d ever seen. And we sure hope they get to do more playdates in the future.

“Your perspective blew my mind and I never thought of it like that. Now, I’m thinking about my three and their families,” said @teamsosisi01. Right?! We know our fur babies are so happy with us, but now we’ll always wonder if they ever think about their first family. @mmhepii added, “Fark man, why do you do that to us? Cuddled my dog extra harder today.” So did we!

Another TikToker, @unity808, wrote, “Omg I’m tearing up. Sooo touching. We rarely think about the fact that dogs have their own special family too.” But now we’ll always think about that. We bet a ton of dog owners are going to want to reunite their fur babies with their siblings for some play dates after this video. And we’ll be wanting to watch them all!

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