Emma Stone Just Dyed Her Hair Brown and Looks SO Freaking Different

Photo credit: Stefania D'Alessandro - Getty Images
Photo credit: Stefania D'Alessandro - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Picture, for a moment, Emma Stone-AKA your dream best friend. What comes to mind first? I’m going to go ahead and guess her signature fire-red hair (and, like, her humor and talent, etc. etc.). Welp, your mental picture is about to change, because Emma Stone just dyed her hair brown, and I can’t deal with how different she looks.

While you were hibernating in a pile of blankets and cheese over the long weekend, Emma Stone was making moves, showing up to the 30th Annual Producers Guild Awards in Beverly Hills with a new auburn hair color.

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

The shade is a huge departure from her usual red hues, and an even bigger leap from her natural hair color: blonde.

“I'm so white. My hair grows out blonde, but my coloring is similar to that of a redhead,” Emma Stone told Refinery29 in 2012. “So...I really like having red hair. I'm a natural blonde, but I really like the red.”

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

Though she still has some hints of red throughout her hair, she’s clearly making a drastic change for 2019-especially considering the fact that she’s in the middle of awards season, when most actresses tend to play it safe with their beauty looks.

Stone’s new hair could possibly be for a new role, or just because she’s an adult woman with autonomy over her hair. Either way, I’m digging the look, and kinda, sorta, really want to dye my hair darker, too.

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

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