Emily Blunt's 2-Year-Old Is Embarrassed By Her Mom's Body


Like North West before her, Hazel, the two-year-old daughter of John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, will give up her only child status in a couple of months. And she is not happy about it. "The first response when I said, 'You know, Hazel, there's a baby in there; you're going to be a big sister...' she looked at me, and she went 'nope,'" Emily told Jimmy Kimmel last night. Emily has since made special time for Hazel, to help ease the transition. "We have many baths together, and I thought I was not yet at the point where my body was just really embarrassing to my child…so I got into the bath with her and she went, 'Whoa, momma, big!' and I went, 'We are never bathing again.'"

Aw, well, North (eventually) came around to Saint; there's hope yet.