Emil Johansson Reveals He Has Broken Collarbone

Emil Johansson is the most decorated slopestyle athlete in history with the most Crankworx wins ever.

On April 25th, 2024, Johansson revealed a roadblock in his season when he announced that he has a broken collarbone.

Johansson said that he broke his clavicle while he was in the US for an undisclosed project a couple of weeks ago.

Collarbones usually take a minimum of 6 weeks to heal, though usually it takes longer for riders to be at 100%.

It remains to be seen if Emil will be ready to compete at Crankworx Cairns in late May.

Emil Johansson has had an eventful year. He was a driver of the United For Slopestyle union that controversially sat out the Crankworx Rotorua Slopestyle in March.

Related: Male Slopestyle Riders Release Official Statement Clarifying Absence

Emil’s involvement in the strike was notable because he is at the top of the sport and did not share the concerns of the lower-ranking slope athletes who pay their own way. Emil was willing to put his livelihood on the line for his friends and competitors, which is quite admirable.

We at BIKE wish Emil a speedy recovery.

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