The Ember Mug Is the Absolute Best Gift You Can Buy a New Mom

Photo credit: Ember; Christine Bettlach
Photo credit: Ember; Christine Bettlach

From Best Products

As a site dedicated to finding the best products out there in a host of different categories, we like to think of ourselves as pretty great gift-givers, especially since we're on the pulse of new product launches and testing products out ourselves. As a new mom, we asked our Executive Director what she really wants for Mother's Day this year.

I’m currently spending 3-5 hours breastfeeding EVERY SINGLE DAY. I have a recliner with my Boppy pillow and a rolling cart with my pump, clean burp cloths, my laptop, baby lotion, hand cream, hand sanitizer, tiny nail clippers, the FireTV remote, and last but not least, a spot for my beverage. Depending on the time of day: coffee, water, wine.

But that coffee ... sigh ... it just doesn’t stay hot long enough for me to finish it. In comes Ember, the coffee mug that keeps your beverage at a toasty 135 degrees. Honestly, ask any mom, new mom, experienced mom, or fourth-time mom how she wants to start her day, and nine out of 10 will answer, “With a steaming hot cup of coffee.” But so many of us are settling on lukewarm. Not anymore!

Photo credit: Christine Bettlach
Photo credit: Christine Bettlach

For the first 6 weeks of life with a newborn, my husband was home with me (yes, he got 6 weeks of paternity leave — yay, WalMart!) and could grant my every wish. "The remote is too far away!" "Have you seen my cell phone?" "What time did I start feeding him?" "BRING ME A BURP CLOTH, QUICK!" But the most important job he had was in response to, “Can you heat up my coffee?” By the third time I’d requested it, on the same cup, he’s over it.

With the addition of the Ember to my a.m. routine, my husband can stop going to the microwave and my coffee stays perfectly hot for about 2 full hours — which is honestly how long it takes me to drink it. Between the diaper changes, the lack of free hands, the feeding, the burping, it just takes forever. Now, I just make sure the Ember charges on the base before I head to bed at night, along with 55 other “get the baby ready for bed” duties, and when I finally get my exhausted ass out of bed in the a.m., I can enjoy my hot coffee, solo, without relying on my hubs — since he’s gone back to work already.

It you’re snagging a gift for a new mom in your life this Mother’s Day, this is it. It saves her time, eases anxiety, and allows her to feel independent while otherwise feeling totally out of control. There isn’t a lot you can control with an infant, but the temperature of a mom’s favorite hot drink is now off that list.

Shop Ember Mug

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