The This Is Us Season 3 Finale Had So Many Big Reveals

Caution: Spoilers for the This Is Us season three finale ahead.

The brains behind This Is Us promised a memorable season three finale, and they absolutely delivered. The episode was gut-wrenching and surprising—especially those last five minutes, which were jam-packed with new information. Seriously, my head is still spinning.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Before we introduce new drama, let's talk about how the season's biggest storylines wrapped. After a tense fight last week about how their new jobs are affecting their marriage, Randall and Beth reached a resolution: They're moving to Philadelphia. Randall will stay on board as a city councilman, and Beth has decided to start her own dance studio in the area. Those who thought these two were headed for divorce can breathe a sigh of relief. "We don't work when we're apart," Beth says to Randall toward the end of the episode. "But together we set the world on fire."

Unfortunately, Kevin and Zoe's future isn't as bright. After spending the afternoon babysitting Beth and Randall's daughters, Zoe realized Kevin truly does want children—even if he won't admit it. So she ends things, and their last conversation is pretty heartbreaking. "You should be a dad," she says. "Kevin, you should raise 500 perfectly symmetrical kids. You'll be amazing at it. And I want you to have that. I want you to have everything you want. But I don't want that."

Meanwhile, it's good news for Kate and Toby: They can take Baby Jack home. He's breathing on his own, and the doctors seem optimistic about his health. But there might be some potential friction with Rebecca, who's moving to Los Angeles with Miguel to help Kate with the baby. They had a minor tiff at the hospital—which was resolved—but I have a feeling Kate's not going to respond well to Rebecca's hands-on (grand)mothering.

This all led to those aforementioned last five minutes, which were some of the most illuminating in the show's history. That's when everything people will be talking about tomorrow happened. Questions were answered. Mysteries were solved. But in true This Is Us fashion, we were also left with several cliffhangers. Let's go over the biggest moments right now:

Beth and Randall are still together in the future.

If you'll recall, Randall wasn't wearing a wedding ring in the flash-forward from last year, which led many people to think he and Beth were dunzo. But rejoice, R&B shippers: The couple is still very much together, as evidenced by the kiss Beth gives Randall in this new flash-forward, and the giant wedding ring on her finger.

<h1 class="title">This is Us - Season 3</h1><cite class="credit">NBC</cite>

This is Us - Season 3


Kevin has a son.

This implies, at least, that he and Zoe never get back together. (She's quite firm in her desire to not have children.) So does this mean Kevin and Sophie found their way back to each other? They did have that coffee date a few episodes back. Granted, Sophie was engaged to someone else then, but I wouldn't put it past This Is Us to reunite these two. Of course, it's also possible Kevin just met someone new, but that's boring, so moving on….

Miguel might be out of the picture.

He's nowhere to be found in the future, when the entire family is gathered at Kevin's house to visit a clearly sick Rebecca. So either he passed away, he and Rebecca broke up, or he's just running late to the house. My money's on the third. It wouldn't be the first time This Is Us gave viewers premature a heart attack.

But Nicky is back in.

The last time we saw Jack's very-much-alive brother was in the middle of season three, when he iced out the Pearsons after they tried to help him get sober. But he appears in the flash-forward healthy, clean-cut, and sitting by Rebecca's side. At some point between the present and future, he obviously mended the fence with his family. And picked up a shaving kit!

<h1 class="title">This Is Us - Season 3</h1><cite class="credit">NBC</cite>

This Is Us - Season 3


Kate and Toby might be on the rocks.

Toby shows up at Kevin's house without Baby Jack or Kate, and he greets Randall by saying, "Thanks for calling." If Toby were still with Kate, wouldn't it be a given that he'd be at this gathering? Him saying, "Thanks for calling," suggests he's not part of this family's core anymore. Or it means something happened to Kate, which I can't even entertain.

There's something very wrong with Rebecca.

Mandy Moore says it's not Alzheimer's disease, but Randall greets her in the future by saying, "It's Randall. Your son." That's how the episode ends—we gain no insight into what happened to her. All we know is that Rebecca's life seems to be coming to an end. Mark my words: I will riot if this happens. Mandy Moore wearing a grandma wig is one of the few joys I have left in this world.

NBC hasn't announced a premiere date for This Is Us season four, but we'll keep you posted. Try to stay calm until then.