Legally Blonde is leaving Netflix, and Twitter is as distraught as we are

We're about to take Netflix to court. "Legally Blonde" is leaving the streaming site and we're officially entering into mourning.

It’s time to start binge-watching Legally Blonde every night until June 1st. Because on that date, Netflix will officially remove Legally Blonde and Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, & Blonde from its library. And, yeah—you’re not the only one who is devastated.

The streaming site is doing some serious spring cleaning throughout the month of June. Legally Blonde will be nixed alongside classics like Pretty in Pink, Apocalypse Now, and both Kill Bill volumes. And after Reese Witherspoon confirmed an official third installment of the Legally Blonde franchise, we’re kind of scratching our heads as to why Netflix would thwart subscriber re-watch parties before the film’s release.

It seems like you’re stepping on your own toes, Netflix. But that’s none of our business…

People aren’t happy about this news, and have taken to Twitter to express their frustration. Having 24/7 access to Legally Blonde was part of the reason we signed up for the platform, so…we all object!

Thank you for both newsflashes, TBH.

We all know that Legally Blonde was the best thing about Netflix. The proof is in the Twitter pudding.

Let’s try to put a positive spin on this. Perhaps Netflix has teamed up with the creators of Legally Blonde 3 and agreed to rerelease all three films once the third is officially completed.

No, this case is not rock solid. But we’re doing everything we can to not flip out, so please just let us have this one theory.

Netflix, it’s not too late to go back on your decision about Legally Blonde. We can forget this whole thing ever happened.