On Game of Thrones , Winter Finally Came and the Internet Freaked Out

After seven seasons, countless deaths, and a few incestuous trysts, Winter finally came to Westeros.

On last week's episode of Game of Thrones, Winterfell was bracing itself for a battle royale between the living and the dead. Fans have spent the better part of the week debating which characters would fall. We all had our own theories: Surely newly knighted Ser Brienne of Tarth has it coming? What about Podrick and his beautiful voice? Grey Worm is a goner, right? The cast even joined in: GoT star Sophie Turner fanned the flames of anxiety with an ominous tweet hours before the episode aired.

After seven seasons, countless deaths, and a few incestuous trysts, Winter finally came to Westeros tonight. The famously ruthless HBO show did not disappoint. [Spoilers ahead!] The first death of the evening went to Eddison Tollett of the Night's Watch. Then the next notable kill was Lyanna Mormont, who took down a zombified giant in the process (a fitting end for the fearless Lady of House Mormont). The rest of the episode was a dizzying death sequence, but when the dust finally settled, the two biggest characters to lose their lives were Theon Greyjoy and Jorah Mormont.

As they say on the Iron Islands: “What is dead may never die!” And that is certainly the case on social media. Fans immediately took to Twitter to share their shock and make sense of the last hour and a half of their lives. Check out the best responses to the episode below:

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