Elsa Pataky Opened Up About the ‘Ups and Downs’ in Her and Chris Hemsworth’s Marriage

Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth have been married for almost 10 years—and it seems as if they have a picturesque relationship. But even the strongest couples have their issues. The actor and mom of three recently opened up in a new interview with Australian magazine Body + Soul about what life with Thor is actually like. “It’s funny that people think of us as a perfect couple,” she said. “No way. It’s been ups and downs, and we still keep working at the relationship. I think a relationship is constant work. It’s not easy. I always try to see the positives of things.”

Pataky and Hemsworth moved to Byron Bay, Australia, in 2014, and she said, “We still feel like we have a normal life here. For now.”

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She says that life involves a lot of outdoor activities with their three children, India, Sasha, and Tristan. “[Chris and I] love to do sports, eat healthy and move our bodies,” she told the magazine. “We’ve got the kids into surfing. Any hobbies to get them outside, and not on social media and computers. My daughter has been horse-riding with me since she was two-and-a-half.”

Elsa Pataky also talked about why she’s not taking as many roles as she once did. “I really liked being with the kids,” she said. “I wanted to take them to school and pick them up every day. I just love that moment. I didn’t grow up with my parents [around] and I missed that so much, so I wanted to give that to my kids.”  

She continued, “I love acting, but having balance is important to me. So if something comes along that fits into my life and lets me work close to home, then I’m happy to do it.”

Click here to read the full interview. 

Originally Appeared on Glamour