Elon Musk Got Booed At A Valorant Tournament

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Hans Moleman saying boourns

Anything can happen at an esports tournament. There are shocking wins, devastating losses, and clutch performances that you’d never expect to see. There’s even the chance of a controversial disqualification, as we saw with the Pokemon World Championships recently. What you don’t expect to see, however, is one of the world’s most hated men getting booed at a tournament simply for being there.

Over the weekend, on the final day of the Valorant Champions 2023 tournament, billionaire and Twitter owner Elon Musk decided to pop in and spectate the finals. As you’d expect, the broadcaster of the event decided to highlight Musk’s attendance, and as you’d expect, it did not go over particularly well, as seen in a tweet of the clip from streamer Jake Lucky.

When the stream cut to Musk – a stream that the live audience could see, mind you – the audience surrounding the billionaire erupted into a chorus of boos. Fellow spectators were very much not happy with the man, and the crowd’s displeasure sounds like it was absolutely deafening.

The stream’s commentators were shocked, as they weren’t sure where the boos were coming from, or why. As much as the commentators tried to move on, the crowd wasn’t done yet — it broke out into audible chants of “bring back Twitter,” highlighting very clearly that Musk was, indeed, the reason for the crowd’s anger.

To say that Musk has been unpopular in recent times is a bit of an understatement. He reluctantly bought Twitter back in October last year, after trying very hard to get out of the sale, before subsequently renaming the platform to X and putting a heavy focus on monetization.

Under Musk’s leadership, verification of notable figures was removed and replaced with a paid check mark that anybody could purchase. Features were moved behind the paywall, with Tweetdeck being the latest casualty in Musk’s war on free users, and pretty much all of the feature changes and updates since the purchase have been almost universally hated by a seeming majority of users.

The site has also suffered from massive outages, broken features, an apparent rise in hate speech, and the pushing of the worst opinions on the planet to the top of any comment section. Elon Musk has yet to comment on the booing on Twitter.