Elizabeth Warren Says She Never Washes Her Face

For anyone who has been dying to know Elizabeth Warren's skincare routine, today's your lucky day.

As a part of Cosmopolitan magazine's The Candidates Come to Cosmo series, the democratic candidate sat down with editor-in-chief Jessica Pels and revealed one secret that will likely leave any beauty-obsessed person heavily triggered: she never washes her face.

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Instead, Warren has sworn by only using Pond's Moisturizer since her 20s.

"So I have — had, she’s passed now — but a much older cousin named Tootsie," she shared with Cosmo. "Years ago, I was, I guess probably somewhere in my 20s, and we’re at a big family reunion. And Tootsie was beautiful. I looked over at her, and I said, 'Toots, how do you have such gorgeous skin?' She said, 'Pond’s Moisturizer every morning, every night, and never wash your face.' So from Tootsie to me to you."

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Say what you will about her unconventional routine, but the woman's got that glow. So perhaps the 70-year-old senator is onto something.

Thanks for the tip, Liz!