How to Eliminate Musty Odors From Your Linen Closet

It's no surprise that linen closets become concentrated with bad odors and musty smells—you might even liken it to smelly shoes or mildewy, wet towels. With little to no air circulation, those thought-to-be-clean sheet sets can actually harbor moisture and become a breeding ground for mold spores. Running your bedding and towels through the wash can help prevent unwanted odors, it's difficult to keep a clean scent in your closet storage space.

Beyond drying your linen sheets and towels to ensure they're 100% dry, other simple strategies can ensure your linens remain invitingly fragrant. From natural deodorizers to strategic storage, these tips will help you infuse your linen closet with a delightful and long-lasting freshness.

Cedar wood chips can be used to neutralize smells in a musty linen closet.<p>Photo by João Guimarães on Unsplash</p>
Cedar wood chips can be used to neutralize smells in a musty linen closet.

Photo by João Guimarães on Unsplash

Scent Boosters

  • Lavender sachets. They might not be your first choice in scent, but lavender also acts as a moth repellent to help your items last longer.

  • Baking soda boxes. Keep an open box of baking soda on one of the shelves to absorb odors and maintain a neutral, fresh scent.

  • Essential oil linen sprays (DIY linen spray). Create your own linen spray using essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus. Lightly spritz your linens or simply spray a cotton ball to store amongst your storage baskets for a refreshing scent.

  • Cedar blocks or chips. Use cedar blocks or chips to deter insects and impart a pleasant woody fragrance to your linens.

  • Dryer sheets between linens. Place a few scented dryer sheets between folded linens to keep them smelling freshly laundered.

Related: How to Clean Your Washing Machine—Without Bleach

Best Practices for a Clean Smelling Linen Closet

  • Rotate and refresh the contents of your closet. Periodically rotate your linens and refresh them by taking them outside for a brief airing, especially during sunny days. This airing-out process can reduce musty closet odors and keep bad smells at bay.

  • Only store clean linens. Don't put them in there dirty. Only fold and store completely dry linens in to prevent musty odors.

  • Avoid overcrowding. Allow for air circulation, preventing stale odors from developing.

Store dry items in your linen closet.<p>Photo by Point3D Commercial Imaging Ltd. on Unsplash</p>
Store dry items in your linen closet.

Photo by Point3D Commercial Imaging Ltd. on Unsplash

  • Commit to frequent washing. Wash your linens regularly to maintain their freshness. Be mindful of any specific care instructions to preserve the fabric and scent.

  • Use scented drawer liners. This was Mom's secret. Line your closet shelves with scented drawer liners. You can even place the paper inside folded linens for a pleasant scent.

  • Use natural deodorizers. Place natural deodorizers like activated charcoal air fresheners or natural smells like coffee grounds in small pouches to absorb any lingering odors that may develop in seasonal items like flannel sheets.

  • Aromatic herbs in pouches. Create pouches filled with your personal preference of aromatic herbs like rosemary or mint and place them in the closet for a botanical scent.