Here’s the Elf Character That Captures Each Zodiac Sign’s Belief in Santa Clause

No one knows how to ring in the holiday season better than Buddy the Elf, so grab your M&M’s, spaghetti, and maple syrup! The Elf character that resembles your zodiac sign proves that there’s room for everyone for everyone on the nice list. “Does somebody need a hug?” I don’t know about you, but the only thing better than the spirit of Christmas is gathering with your loved ones to watch your favorite holiday classics. And don’t forget: “The best way to spread Christmas cheer singing loud for all to hear”!

Celebrating its 20-year-anniversary, the 2003 Christmas gem is starring Will Ferrell, Bob Newhart, and James Caan. In hopes of meeting his biological father, Buddy the Elf travels to “a magical land called New York City,” leaving Santa, Papa Elf, and his fellow elves behind at the North Pole. “Son of a nutcracker!” If you haven’t had a chance to watch this Christmas comedy classic, I guarantee you the thought of Will Ferrell frolicking through the streets of Manhattan dressed in a bright green Elf suit will never leave your mind.

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There’s never a dull moment when Buddy’s around. His sheer passion and enthusiasm for Christmas are everything you need to get into the holiday spirit and rest assured—you’ll be quoting the movie with your friends and family if you haven’t already.

The Elf Character That Captures Each Zodiac Sign

If you’re currently dreaming of chugging a liter of Coca-Cola before belching in front of your entire family, here’s Elf character that reflects your zodiac sign the most:

Aries: You’re Ming Ming

As the first sign of the zodiac, you have no problem being the leader of the pack. Similarly, Ming Ming’s role as the head elf of Santa’s workshop and Buddy’s direct supervisor resembles your cardinal energy and innate desire to take charge. “Just how many Etch-A-Sketches did you get finished?” Ming Ming oversees the elves, making sure they’re producing in a productive and timely manner, which is when he realizes Buddy’s falling behind, 915 off the pace, to be exact. You move fast, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up.

Taurus: You’re Miles Finch

Bougie much? Being ruled by Venus explains your love for the finer things, but you’re also a firm believer that time costs money. “Do not put me on hold!” Mr. Finch’s character is no different, and his stubborn ways make getting along with him all the more difficult. You’re well aware of your worth and what you bring to the table as a best-selling children’s book author, and you’re not about to stand for any nonsense, especially not in a business meeting you took time out of your day to attend.

Gemini: You’re Deborah

Chatty and upbeat, your mercurial nature explains why you’re productive, efficient, and full of curiosity. Deb is similar when considering her role and responsibility as Walter Hobbs’ secretary. While doing her best to meet her boss’ expectations, she can’t help but find Buddy’s energy refreshing for the office atmosphere. Although she was initially caught off guard by his bright-green elf suit—mistaking Buddy for a Christmas telegram—she warms up to him sooner than later. “Oh, you just made my day!”

Cancer: You’re Buddy the Elf

“Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?” Kind and empathic, you prioritize the comfort of those around you before your own. Buddy the Elf resembles your emotional resilience and family-oriented nature, and despite lacking that sense of belonging in the world, you stop at nothing to make the people around you smile. Buddy’s journey to New York City to find his father was hardly a walk in the park, but he never lost hope. Fun fact: Will Ferrell is also a Cancer sun!

Leo: You’re Wanda

It takes courage to run a department store in the peak of the holiday season, which is why you resemble store manager, Wanda. “Hey! There’s no singing at the North Pole!” On the dark side, you can be arrogant and prideful when you feel like you’re losing control, but this typically stems from the fear of failure. Similarly, Wanda’s commitment to satisfying the customers and children leaves him with no choice but to dress up as Santa Claus, especially since the previous Santa put a restraining order on Buddy.

Virgo: You’re Papa Elf

You’re devoted, humble, and hardworking, Virgo. Just like how Papa Elf volunteered to raise Buddy after discovering him in Santa’s sleigh, you go above and beyond to help the people around you. “You can bake cookies in a tree.” It takes patience to teach a human how to live in the North Pole, and not everyone is kind enough to do it. As Buddy’s paternal guardian, Papa Elf also worried about Buddy’s safety more than anyone.

Libra: You’re Emily Hobbs

You aim to keep the peace, Libra. Similarly, as Buddy’s new stepmom, Mrs. Hobbs even goes so far as tasting his spaghetti and syrup to appease him. When she’s not consoling her husband, Walter, she’s raising her son Michael, and doing everything she can to make Buddy feel welcome in their home. “We can’t just throw him out in the snow.” Emily Hobbs’ fairness and charming amicability very much resemble your zodiac archetype.

Scorpio: You’re Michael Hobbs

“Why is that guy dressed up like a giant elf?” Despite being just a 12-year-old boy, Michael is well aware of everything happening all around him. This resembles your Plutonian intuition and deeply emotional nature, especially when considering Michael’s resentment towards his father. “You only care about yourself.” Nevertheless, he was brave enough to confront him during his work meeting when Buddy went missing.

Sagittarius: You’re Jovie

Spontaneous and always ready for a new adventure, Jovie’s humility, honesty, and free spirit resemble your Jupiterian persona. After all, wouldn’t you have reservations if a giant Elf in a bright green suit asked you out on a date? The same way Jovie took a risk with Buddy and faced her fears of singing “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town” in front of the entire city, you inspire everyone around you with your fearlessness and contagious optimism.

Capricorn: You’re Walter Hobbs

“Who sent this Christmas Gram?” Being ruled by pragmatic Saturn explains your overly disciplined nature and general lack of emotionality, and Walter Hobbs is no different. After seeing the results of Buddy’s DNA test, Hobbs struggles to come to terms with his new reality. Although he makes it a point to prioritize work over family, that soon changes thanks to his son Michael and his newfound love for his half-brother buddy.

Aquarius: You’re Dr. Leonardo

Cool, calm, and detached, the Hobbs family’s pediatrician is brutally honest with Walter and Buddy, perhaps even to the point of sarcasm. Sound familiar? “Walter, can you please have him sit still so I can do this?” You’re icy when provoked, but make no mistake, you know exactly what you’re doing, Aquarius. Dr. Leonardo was no stranger to Buddy’s lack of maturity, but he recommended Walter take him home to meet the rest of his family.

Pisces: You’re the Mailroom Guy

“I gotta go with the flow.” One of the most hysterical scenes in the movie takes place in the mailroom, as it is a darker and more chaotic place to work, at least when compared to the rest of the office. So much so, the chaos reminds Buddy of Santa’s workshop, but things end a little differently after the sluggish mailroom worker hands Buddy some “syrup” to put in his coffee. As a Neptune-ruled sign, you’re less judgmental than most, similar to the way this character befriends Buddy. You’re also high on life, if you know what I mean.

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