Elevate your next dinner party with these simple napkin folding hacks

One way to elevate a dinner party or brunch is through folded napkins. It’s a small detail that goes a long way to add a personal touch to your gathering. Folded napkins add class to a meal and can even help convey a party theme. There are tons of ways to fold napkins for whatever purpose you need, from napkin snack bowls to napkin beverage koozies. They may look fancy, but don’t worry, there are plenty of simple and easy tricks to get you folding napkins like a pro.

Napkin Folding Hack 1: Napkin Snack Bowl

Unfold a square paper napkin, then fold all the corners into the center to achieve a square shape. Repeat this step two times, then flip your napkin over so that the folded side is now facing down. On the non-folded side that’s now facing up, fold the corners into the center again. Flip your napkin and place it over the bottom of a glass and unfold the corners against it. Remove the napkin from the glass, flip it over, and you have a clever snack bowl.

Napkin Folding Hack 2: Napkin Beverage Koozie

Lay out a cloth napkin and fold it in half diagonally to create a triangle. Bring the top corner downward so it overlaps with the bottom. Fold the sides inward. Flip the napkin, and tuck the long point underneath the crease at the back. Open up the pointed ends of the napkin and stand it up, and voila! A delightful beverage koozie.

Napkin Folding Hack 3: Napkin Place Card Menu Envelope
Lay out a cloth napkin in a diamond orientation. Place the menu at the top, and fold the sides inward and fold up the bottom twice. Fold the top point down to create an envelope and seal it with a sticker. This napkin folding hack is perfect for more formal dinner parties like an engagement party or New Year’s Eve gathering.

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