Electric Dirt Biker Claims That He Belongs In The Bike Lane

Traffic laws can be tough to interpret in the United States. Who has rights of way, what is this vehicle classified as, what is that vehicle classified as, what even is this vehicle? You get the picture and the list goes on.

So, when Surron riders like the one you are about to see are spreading less than accurate information about traffic usage it may not be entirely his fault.

To answer his openly posed question, no they cannot. But, you can't necessarily blame him for doing what he's doing when the prevalent misinformation is that the Surron he is on is an electric mountain bike rather than an electric dirtbike.

Surrons do not have a speed governor, so they do not fall under any classification of electric bikes and are then kicked over to the motorcycle side of the laws. It is not legal in Washington state - where this was filmed - for him to do what he is doing on the electric dirt bike he is on.

Instead, I offer that he take his surron to a trail system built and managed for motorized use so he could fully enjoy the benefits of his motorized machine to its fullest and safest capacity.

Related: "You Can't Ride Those In Here"- Mountain Biker Confronts Electric Dirt Bikers

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