Elderly Special Needs Chihuahua Is Such a Joyful Messy Eater

Senior dogs are so special, and the little pup in the following video is no exception. When it comes to meal time, he needs some additional help to make sure he gets his daily requirements of nutrition, and it's just messily adorable.

Watch the following to see what we mean.

The adorable video was shared by the TikTok account for @bigmarvandhisteefs which is also a rescue of senior, hospice and special needs dogs. TikTok users absolutely adore Big Marv and one person commented, "As an owner of a special needs dog that has her food made into little meatballs and hand fed every day I can relate. It's a great bonding experience."

Related: Senior Dog Rescue Sets Up the Cutest Little 'Apartments' for Their Pups

@Cheese replied, "This makes me cry. What a sweet baby!!!! And thank you for being an awesome human being.This dog is adorable!" @Devins responded, "The dedication I see a lot have on here to their pets just warms my heart. Through it all, no matter what you stand by your furbaby, Bless you both."  @Kaitlin added, "I don’t think people realize the kindness and patience It takes to take care of an elderly or needy dog. Good job. Mama."

It does take kindness and patience, but the joy you can get from welcoming an elderly dog into your home are immeasurable.

Here's why you should give a senior dog a home this holiday season.

Elderly pups deserve all the love in the world. <p>Kirsty Hulme/Shutterstock</p>
Elderly pups deserve all the love in the world.

Kirsty Hulme/Shutterstock

What you see is what you get. 

With an adult dog, you will know their breed, personality and what their grooming requirements will be. Puppies are a roll of the dice as far as how they will behave when they are a grownup.

You will save so much money on carpet cleaning and carpet cleaning products. 

Barring any medical issues, most senior dogs have been housebroken for many years, which means less accidents on your floors.

They can be just as lazy as you are 

All dogs, regardless of age, need regular exercise but a senior dog won't run you ragged or need mile long daily walks. A lot of them can be perfectly content being your binge-watching buddy.

A lot of senior dogs know basic commands. 

'Sit,' 'Stay,' and 'Lie Down' are all fantastic basic commands for a dog to know. A lot of senior pups who have had previous owners know these basic commands, and if they don't, they have the patience to learn them. 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks" isn't true at all. With enough patience and some yummy treats most dogs, regardless of age, can be trained.

Related: Little Girl Buying Treats for the Family's Elderly Dogs With Her Own Money Is Too Precious

Senior dogs know they are getting a second chance.

After a dog has been surrendered to a shelter, they seem to understand that they have been given a second chance to live out their golden years with love. They know what it's like to live with a human that moves them, so they know how to bond with humans and they are all-too eager for those tummy scratches and head rubs.

You'll be saving a life. 

All too often senior and elderly dogs are looked over for their younger counterparts, either due to potential adopters being afraid of a dog living a less-long life or the medical bills that can come with caring for an elderly dog. A lot of shelters have reduced fee veterinary care programs for senior dogs, and sometimes veterinarians are willing to make reduced-fee accommodations. It never hurts to ask.

If you are considering adding a dog to your family this holiday season, please consider adopting a senior pup from your local Humane Society or animal shelter. These precious dogs have so much life left and so much love to give. You'll be saving a life and be rewarded with so much love and affection and joy from adopting an older pup.

If you would like to purchase something from Big Marv's wishlist, you can do so here.

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