Eight Ways to Celebrate California Surfing Day Wherever You Are

Since 2018, September 20 has officially been California Surfing Day. It's a good excuse to celebrate surfing no matter where you are.

According to CaliforniaSurfingDay.com, the "holiday" celebrates the "California surfing lifestyle, as well its history, culture, and future. It's purpose is to unify surfers throughout the State of California and from around the world." The motto, is "Stop, Drop & Surf.”

The O.C Register's Laylan Connelly, a surfer and surf writer who's induction into the Surfers' Hall of Fame we reported earlier this year, wrote the story below titled, "8 Ways to Celebrate California Surfing Day."

While Connelly created the list, we modified the details for surfers who aren't in California.

1. Go Surf

Easy. Just do it.

2. Visit a Surf Museum

Our website is basically an online surfing museum, so kick back, explore, and have fun.

3. Check Out Surfing Greats

You don't have to be in Huntington Beach to explore the Surfers' Hall of Fame or the Surfing Walk of Fame. Visit their websites to explore generations of inductees.

4. Visit All Surf Statues

If you don't have any close to you, learn about some of our faves, like the totally weird Kelly Slater statue. Or watch the Duke Kahanmoku film, "Waterman." He's so legendary there's statues of him in Waikiki and Huntington Beach.

5. Support Your Local Surf Shop or Shaper

If you've been dreaming about a new custom board, today's the day to treat yourself. Or go online and buy one from of your favorite distributors.

6. Recycle Your Old Wetsuit

One option is to take advantage of Rip Curl's "Recycle Your Wetsuit" program we reported on earlier this year.

7. Tour Surf Murals

If you don't have any surf art in your town, no worries. Look at some of the work from iconic surf photogs like Art Brewer and Mikala Jones, or paint some fins yourself.

8. Share the Stoke

"One of the biggest gifts you can give is the stoke of surfing. Take a curious friend or family member to feel the thrill of the ride," Connelly says.


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