How to Make ‘Ecstasy Cake,’ the Recipe Trend That's Taking Over Pinterest

We’re going to be straight with you: When we saw ecstasy cake (aka “better-than-sex” cake) trending on Pinterest, we had to click for the name alone. What we soon learned was that as delicious as it was, the real bliss lies in how easy it is to whip up—they’re basically glorified poke cakes; poke a cake all over with the back of a wooden spoon and dress it in gooey delicious sauce infusing the entire creation with flavor and moisture.

Enticed? Here’s how to make one of the most straightforward (and yum) ecstasy cakes we found:

OK, what do I need?
1. Chocolate cake mix
2. Caramel sauce
3. Sweetened condensed milk
4. Whipped cream
5. Crumbled Heath bars (or candy of choice)

How do I make it?
1. Bake the cake mix according to the instructions on the box. Allow it to cool and use the handle of a wooden spoon to poke it all over with holes.
2. Combine the sweetened condensed milk and caramel and pour the mixture over the cake. Let it seep in for 15 minutes.
3. Frost the cake with whipped cream and top with crumbled Heath bars.

For a more detailed recipe, check out My Incredible Recipes’ Ecstasy Cake. Want to spice things up? Check out Lemon Better than Sex Cake or Better than Sex Pumpkin Cake.

RELATED: 30 Extremely Easy (and Oddly Satisfying) Poke Cakes